Has your Infirmity become your Identity?

Has your Infirmity become your Identity?

If you’ve been repeating any type of behaviour over a long period of time then that behaviour inevitably becomes a part of your identity.  These identities can bring many productive blessings and prosperity to your life, such as, being known as a philanthropist or a leader, but many of us also take on self-defeating identities…

10 Phrases and Words to Never Say if you Want to Lose Weight

The #1 Habit you Must Change to Lose Weight

What do you think the number 1 habit is you must change in order to lose weight permanently? Exercise daily? Don’t eat after 8:00 pm? Minimize sugar intake? Keep a food journal? Those are all good habits and I recommend them all to my clients but without changing your speech, you will continually find yourself…

3 Keys to Emotional Eating Freedom- Kimberly Taylor

I once asked my takebackyourtemple.com email readers: What is your biggest weight loss challenge? Emotional eating got twice as many votes as the number #2 vote getter. When I weighed 240 pounds, I too ate to manage negative emotions. But during my 85-pound weight loss, I discovered freedom came down to three things. 1. Courage…

One Shameful Secret about How I (and Other Healthy People) Stay in Great Shape

Would you be surprised if I told you that on most given days, I dread the thought of exercising? It would rarely make my priority list and if I did not have to leave the house every day, I would be happy to stay in my pyjamas. I know, this does not sound like phrases…

Could this Mistake be Keeping you from your Fitness Goals?

We’re focusing on fitness this month. It is one of the magic elixirs to good health. The benefits of physical fitness range from lower blood pressure, weight loss, decreased stress levels, improved mental function– just to name a few. So if there are so many benefits, why don’t we do it consistently? The other day,…

Top 3 Predictors of your Weight Loss Success

Understandably, I’ve talked to a higher number of people than usual over the past few weeks-motivation and will-power runs high in January. With each conversation, I can usually predict within the first few minutes whether or not someone will be successful in reaching their goals. Unfortunately, the odds of readiness are low. There are surefire…