Today I want to share an experience with you that I believe will help you on your health and weight-loss journey.
I was in a fitness class yesterday and my instructor said something that was a little confusing to me.
She said, “I want you to be a warrior not a fighter.“
At first I was confused because I always prided myself on being a fighter. I was proud that I have to fight for everything; that I’m tenacious and then I go after everything, and I was wondering what she meant by that statement.
So I went home and I thought about it. I thought about the difference between a warrior and a fighter. I realized that although I pride myself on being a fighter, it’s exhausting and it’s tiring. Sometimes I get embittered and sometimes I actually really feel beat up.
When I thought of a warrior, I thought of confidence; I thought of strength; I thought of being trained, being disciplined, and having a strategy and an army around you–just a quiet confidence. As a fighter I think more of frenetic and anxious. I then went to my “Number One” source to help me with this a little bit more.
I googled ‘warriors in the Bible’ and then the light bulb came on! I really understood the difference of what my instructor was saying. So just what does this have to do with your health and weight-loss journey?
Well, the question to you is, “Are you a warrior or are you a fighter?” So on your Christian weight-loss journey, if you’re a fighter you’re always trying on your own; you’re always working at it; you’re always trying to get to your goal weight; you’re toughing it out; you’re depriving yourself; your winning sometimes and you’re sometimes getting beat up.
Think of a warrior. First of all, when I went to the Bible, one of the verses was from 2 Samuel 10:12. It said, “Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight the Lord.” Then I looked at Psalms 18:39 and it says, “For you have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.” Next I looked at Ephesians 6:10 which talks about, “being strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Putting on the full armour of God.” So, can you start to see the difference of what I’m talking about? You have the fighter, where you’re pretty much on your own in the rink dueling it out like we do as Christian women. Then you have the warrior, standing strong.
And guess what? You’re not on your own. You’ve got your armour on and you’ve got God fighting the battle for you so you can have a quiet confidence. You can have a peace knowing that you will be victorious in your journey without that feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted, and feeling embittered about always trying to work so hard. You don’t have to work so hard, you don’t have to exhaust yourself on this weight-loss journey because the battle is the Lord’s.
My sisters, as His warriors–as warrior princesses, we have to get to that point where we understand that we don’t have to always be fighting. We don’t have to go around the same mountain and “live to fight another day” as we say. We don’t have to take pride in that because it is not necessary. In fact, it’s worn us out. That’s over, it’s time for us to stand as warrior princesses in the Lord and give our health and weight-loss battle to Him.
Characteristics of a Warrior (as it relates to your weight-loss journey)
- Put on your daily armour – pray for your weight-loss and spend time in the Word
- Trust that you’re not alone – submit the journey to God
- Display a quiet confidence – trust that God will help you
- You’ve trained, practiced, rehearsed – obey how God is directing you, then DO it!
- You’re skilled – you’re learning new healthy habits daily
- You’re not on your own, you’ve got an army – you’ve got accountability
The next time you find yourself trying, struggling, fighting, battling, plotting, scheming, remember that this is not how God has called us to show up. We are called to stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The battle IS the Lord’s.
To your victory my fellow warrior princesses!!!
Good stuff. Thank you for help me put these tools in my belt of truth. Love one of His warrior princess Sandy
Thanks Sandy, we’re armed and ready!!!
Love this Cathy. A warrior is strategic, purposefull. He has a plan and he stays on course. This is what God is doing for me in this race. Thank you for leading me to this journey.
Yes Janet! Purposeful and strategic. I’m learning the same!