Success Spotlight ~ Denise R.

I have battled weight loss for many years. I’ve tried everything from diet plans to ‘magic’ weight loss pills with no success.

And no matter which one I began, I was never able to stick with the plan very long. I felt like a failure.

I came to a point where I just wanted to give up. I had almost no fight left in me. After years of struggling and fighting the battle in my own strength, I got on my knees and cried out to the Lord. I told Him I was done. I can’t do this anymore. And when I was done, He was able to step in.

As I was looking for new books to read, I ran across a book by Cathy Morenzie called Healthy by Design: Weight Loss, God’s Way. This was my #1 turning point.

I read the book and started to see some changes. I had never thought about weight loss in the way Cathy brought it to light. I thought, if I am seeing changes just reading the book, I wonder what changes could be found in joining in a group of like-minded people all striving for the same goal of becoming a healthier version of themselves for God’s glory. So I joined the online group and started the 21-Day Challenge again. Seeing and hearing what others are going through lifted my spirit. This is when I began to have more changesβ€”mostly in the way I was thinking, not just physical. Days 12-14 kicked me in the gut during the group challenge and that was a huge turning point for me.

What is your theme Scripture that ministers to you on this journey?

1 Corinthians 10:31. “So, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God.”

1 Timothy 4:8. “For physical exercise has some value, but godliness is valuable in every way. It holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.”

Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Psalms 28:7. “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.”

What’s the most profound principle you’ve learned in the Weight Loss, God’s Way program?

I refuse to trade my inheritance (the life God gave me) for a bowl of soup (all the junk I eat that does my body no good).

What advice/tips/suggestions could you offer to your fellow sisters on this journey?

One suggestion that I have is to take your time and really meditate on the questions. Ask the Lord to reveal things to you that you may not have seen before. Also, find some accountability people to join you in your journey. Get the MyFitnessPal app and have members join you to help you with food and with workouts. But, most of all, be honest with yourself. I’ve waisted too much time lying to myselfβ€”thinking that I was doing better than I really was when the whole time I was sneaking junk food and not doing the things that I was telling others I was doing just because I wanted to look or sound better to others. You can’t lie to God nor can you truly lie to yourself for long and not realize it.

Β – Updated from July 2019 –


If you’re at the end of your rope, get started with the 21 Day Challenge. It will help you move from where you are now to where you want to be– happy, healthy and whole, trusting in the Lord as your strength.




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  1. Glory to God! Your trials sound like mine. I have the book Healthy by Design, and I am starting over on Monday with a whole new zeal. I can’t wait. I am also planning to join the group next month after I move. Thank you for your testimony.

  2. Congratulations Denise! Thanks for sharing your journey.

    I like the verses you’ve chosen, especially these 2:

    1 Corinthians 10:31. β€œSo, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God.”

    1 Timothy 4:8. β€œFor physical exercise has some value, but godliness is valuable in every way. It holds promise for the present life and for the life to come

    I look forward to continuing to get even healthier over this next year with you and our sisters in Christ. With God all things are possible πŸ™‚

  3. Denise, Thanks for sharing your testimony, your success, and also your hard times with the rest of us! So inspiring! Congratulations on your success, with God’s help, this far, and I look forward to continuing on this journey with you. Ena

  4. Denise!!! Thank you for sharing your awesome and inspirational journey!! Your wisdom and courage to keep pressing on in the strength of the Lord is so beautiful!!!πŸ’—πŸ₯°πŸ™ŒπŸ»

  5. Denise
    Transformation…that is all that comes to mind
    I see your outward transformation and that is good
    Congrats on all the hard choices
    Congrats on honoring your body and doing good while no one was around
    Congrats on all the small and big sacrifices you made privately
    It is now evident

  6. Denise, all I could think of while reading about your journey is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing. I’m looking forward to the day you can see your goal weight on the scale … it’s so exciting!

  7. Amazing and beautiful testimony, Denise!!! So very happy for you;-). The transformation in the pictures tells of the hard work and discipline but I particularly love ❀️ the inner transformation that you described. So beautiful inside and out! Thank you so much for the encouragement!!!!!!

  8. Thank you for sharing your incredible and beautiful journey! Blessings as you continue to grow in the Lord and enjoy the process Princess!! πŸ’—πŸ‘ΈπŸΌ

  9. That’s very inspiring! I am encouraged by your testimony and I am sure others are as well. The theme that stands out to me is how you are now taking responsibility for your weight release and acting in faith. Blessings!

  10. I too have been on a weight lost journey for many years, my Military Veteran weight lost counselor just called, I made the decision not to continue the monthly meetings,as I felt that I was just lying to myself and the group, I said all the right things, even being told that I was inspirational. However I realized that I too, was still using food like a drug user. It was time to come clean, and stop using the meeting as a crutch . I continue to read Weight loss Gods way, for me its not day by day , but moment by moment.

    1. Wow, transparency is so key Beth. We can lie to others but we can’t lie to ourselves- the scale will always reveal the truth. Most importantly, we can’t lie to God. While we work on ourselves, He is working on us. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Denise your story is inspirational to me and no we can’t ever lie to God or ourselves for any reason and when I’m eating junk I will be transparent and share it because for years I did one thing and said something else but my body told the real story and why do we lie anyway? Why did I ever think that I could lie about what I was not putting in my temple. Go figure. Congratulations to you my sister and keep on the journey because it’s for a lifetime and not an occasion. Blessings and thank you so much for sharing!! πŸ™‚

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