“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11 NIV
How disciplined are you when it comes to exercise?
Most people fall into one of 3 categories:
- You can’t even wrap your head around the thought of exercising. You don’t know where to start.
- You exercise, but you’re inconsistent and sporadic. You actually enjoy it, but sometimes life gets in the way.
- You do it consistently and and enjoy the benefits it offers you.
Most people seem to fall somewhere around #2.
Let’s talk about how you can develop more discipline so you can move closer to #3.
Let’s be honest. It takes discipline to exercise. It takes discipline to wake up early when you don’t feel like it. And it put on your shoes, break a sweat and endure the pain of aching muscles. Some people are naturally more disciplined than others. It could be their natural personality; their upbringing; their ability to forgo gratification or a deep sense of understanding that short term discomfort is better than long term regret.
Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of discipline, Hebrews 12:11teaches us an important principle about discipline. In order for us to benefit from God’s discipline, we must be “trained” by it. This training is necessary for God to strengthen our spiritual muscles. If we try to bypass or forego the pain of training, we will pay for it later by being defeated by temptation and sin. We will continually feel in bondage if we keep satisfying our flesh by enjoying the immediate pleasure instead of ‘suffering’ through the temporary pain. We can’t have both.
This exact principle applies to our physical bodies when it comes to training. Yeah, but it’s still hard you might be saying.
So just how do we learn discipline? The key is not in ourselves, but to look upward. Discipline is a gift we receive from the Holy Spirit. It is not something we can muster up in our own strength. Our role as Hebrews 12:11teaches us is to accept… Share on XExercise will require us to continually train ourselves to bring our flesh and our desires under the control of Christ by the power of his Spirit. Yes, it is not pleasant at the time, but we must continually train ourselves to look beyond the immediate pain. God would never command us to do something and make it too difficult (Deut. 30:11). There is much pleasure for us to experience at the end of the journey if we accept God’s training. It’s worth it! You’re worth it!
P.S. if you are tired of circling the same mountain over and over and want a Christ-centered approach to lasting weight loss without feeling guilty, deprived, or overwhelmed, be sure to sign up for our video course program right away at cathymorenzie.com
Wow. Powerful. I usually do not comment but this one right here was sent straight from God to me! I had been pretty consistent with exercising 3 times a week for over a year minus a few setbacks; however, lately, I have not been able to convince myself to get up at 4:30 am and exercise.
I am definitely in category 2. I know I need to exercise but I really don’t particularly enjoy it. Train me Holy Spirit. I am reminded of the scripture in Hebrews 5:8,
“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;” In order for us to be trained or disciplined, we are going to have to suffer some things.
Praise the Lord Renee. God speaks to us in so many ways. Is 4:30 am the only time you can exercise. Maybe it’s just too early for your body?
I used to be 3 but now I’m too after some health issues.
Same thing happened to me, but now I’m back in the gym. You will be too!
I’m in category 2. Through this journey I am beginning to see exercise as an honor to God rather than just something I should do so I can check it off my to do list!. We honor Him when we care for the bodies he gave us.
Definitely category 2. I will take to heart your comment, Cathy, that discipline is a gift of the Holy Spirit and we are simply called to accept it. This will be my prayee as I begin the Breakthrough course.
Amen Diane!
I do walk 12,000 steps most days. I walk with my dog, Fritz, at least 2x per day. However, I would like to to do some strength training 2x per week and nothing is happening with that right now. I made a commitment to hula hoop for an additional 15 min per day and I am praying about the strength training.
12,000 steps per day is great Yvonne!Hula hooping is great too– even 10 minuets is good. For strength training maybe start with some simple push ups ( either the wall version or on your knees and some squats (again either the wall version or regular ones) All the best!
I have always hated exercise. I did it for 2 years 3 days a week but I was so miserable that I quit. God I am going to need you way past anything that I have done before or attempted. Please help me!
Wondering what you were doing Cathy. Can you choose something that you would enjoy more?
I definitely fall in the first category. I don’t exercise, I have always struggled with it, I don’t even know where to start. However this time around in my weight loss journey, I’ve been leaning more about dying to self. 🙂
Praise the Lord for progress Heidy. Can you just start with walking?