Changing Habits to Lose Weight– God’s Way
We all have good habits in some areas of our lives and then some that we would love to change.
This month, I’ve been focusing on changing some of my habits around my morning routine.
I’ve always had some good morning habits since I’m a morning person and love to get my day started early. I also realize, however, that often in the past, I could not resist the warm comforter. I would linger in bed long after the alarm went off.
As I’ve been turning this issue over to God, He has been showing me some very simple practical things– like simply going to bed earlier; not checking emails (or social media) before prayer and to start the day with Him even before planning out my day.
3 Biblical Truths that Bring Change
He has also showed me 3 biblical truths that have changed the way I approach change. I pray they bless you as well.
- God always finishes what He starts — Phil 1:6 – “ He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” At times when I feel like I am not making progress, I am reminded that when God is at the forefront of my thoughts, habits and behaviors, I don’t have to stress. I know I will be able to change. I can be confident He will see me through to the end.
- God strengthens us in stages — Isaiah 28:10 says – “Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, rule upon rule, rule upon rule; here a little, there a little.” One of our mentors was sharing with me that when she first started working out, she could only do 5 minutes of exercise and now she is training to run a half-marathon with her son. It will not happen overnight. I may not happen based on our timeline but know that little by little it will happen for you if you are diligent and stay submitted to God.
- When we get to the end of ourselves, there we will find God. “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor. 12:10).
The Holy Spirit Helps Us Change
Whether it is developing better habits to lose weight, establishing a morning routine, improving your relationships, or your finances; if are a follower of Christ then let Him lead. Stop trying to do things in your own strength and let Him do the heavy lifting for you. Our human efforts to change ourselves will not get us very far. That’s why we need the help of the Holy Spirit to help us change.
Even though the process may seem frustrating and even hopeless sometimes, know that you can turn this journey over to God and He will give you the strength to endure.
You might not see any changes right about, but know that change is happening on the inside. If losing weight is your goal, know that God is working in your life even if the changes are not showing on the scale just now.
Lastly, know that your set-backs are no surprise to God. Your challenges are not in vain. They are strengthening you and preparing you for the next step in your journey. Learn from them
Trust in His timing and in His strength, be patient and watch Him work in your health and in all areas of your life.
Next Step
If you’ve been struggling to change your health habits and are not making any progress, it’s time to try a better way. Download our free guide to end emotional eating. Also be encouraged by the stories of others that have had success through the same journey.
I’d love to hear from you! Share below how you’ve been able to change a habit with God’s help.
For Your Success,
One Comment
Thank you for sharing with us, Cathy! God always speaks into my situation when I read your words. I am thankful for you