You Can Breakthrough Your Fears

Do you feel stuck? Like you’ll never be able to breakthrough the fears that keep holding you back?
Yesterday, I returned from a 4-day power-packed personal and business development conference in Dallas and experienced some incredible breakthroughs.
One powerful exercise I did was a board-break exercise (see the video below.)
In the exercise, I had to identify a stronghold that’s been keeping me from fully surrendering to God and from being my true authentic self. I wrote the word out on the board, then, like a ninja warrior, I busted through that board with my bare hand. It was incredible!!! 🔥
For most of my life, I’ve been sooooo consumed with fear of judgement.  Fear of what people will think if I say… What will people think if I do…
It’s kept me from speaking up, taking action, doing what I know is right and most importantly, from experiencing God’s peace, joy and freedom.
I realized too that as I released my fear of judgement, it also opened my heart for love and compassion for myself and others even more !!!!
What this means for you is that you can expect me to show up for you with more compassion, acceptance and love. ❤️
So, how about you?
What strongholds keep you from living your best life?
What keeps you shrinking back when the Lord calls you to step out boldly?
Are you ready to break through today?!
You may not be in a conference room where you break an actual board as I did, but your ninja experience can be equally as powerful and symbolic.
You can write your stronghold out on a piece of paper and rip it up or burn it. Or you can even go fancier if you want and actually hold a funeral ⚰️ for one of your limiting beliefs– do whatever works for you.
What’s important is that you draw a line in the sand and make a declaration to yourself and God that you’re committed to a new way of being.
Commit to doing something to represent your decision today to stop letting that fear control you.
It’s time to let it go. It’s not serving you anymore.
Sure, it may have kept you safe and protected, but God is ready to take you to new levels and your fears and limiting beliefs can’t come with you.
Join me in letting go of the chains that keep us bound!!!
Watch me break through my fear of other people’s judgement. 🔥
How about you? What do you need to break through? Be sure to go to to check out my courses to help you get from where you are now to where you need to be.


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