WW and WLGW! Why Not? …The “God Factor”

Not Just Another Weight Loss Program

Let’s face it. We’ve all tried at least one weight loss program in our life time. If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried several. Each of them were different. Some were epic fails that jacked up my metabolism for years after and some were okay, but in all of them, something was missing.

I’m telling you this because a couple of days ago one of our former members contacted me. She requested that we reinstate the membership she had cancelled.

She said that she had joined Weight Watchers and was starting to lose weight, but it did not have what she called the “God Factor. ” The “God Factor” is what she loved most about our programs.

The “God Factor”

Her comments are all too familiar. We have heard this over and over again from current and former WLGW members. They recognize that without putting Christ at that center of their weight releasing journey they get overwhelmed, frustrated and eventually quit.  And that’s why I do what I do! It does not have to be this way. We have been given such an indispensable tool–the Holy Spirit, to help us in all areas of our life.

Yes, there are many wonderful programs out there that will help you to lose weight, but if you have not learned how to make the Lord the center of your goals and your life, you will know in your spirit that something is missing.

Give Weight Watchers a try, or Paleo, or Jenny Craig (not even sure if they are still around) but know that you will need something more. They will all work, but not when you try them in your own strength. Why?

Get to the Root

Because excess weight is not the real issue. It’s only the symptom to a deeper emotional issue and all emotional issues require spiritual solutions.  You need the “God Factor.” Until you get to the root of the issue and allow the Holy Spirit to change you from the inside out, you’ll keep spinning your wheels.

Ask yourself, is your current program working? If so, congrats– keep on going! But if not, turn your journey over to God and allow Him to lead and guide you in this process. If you’re not sure where to start, be sure to give our 21-Day Challenge a try.

To Your Success!



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