‘Watch’ Your Food!

I had just returned from grocery shopping when I heard the Lord speak, “Watch your food instead of watching T.V.”

What an odd thing to say, I thought to myself. But I heard His voice again say the exact same thing. “Watch your food instead of watching T.V.”

So I took my T.V. off the stand and replaced it with as many of my fruits and veggies as I could fit. Then I sat on my sofa and literally watched my food. I knew God was saying something deeper, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. And so I prayed, “Lord, what are you truly saying???”

He began to show me a revelation I will cherish for the rest of my days. It is easy for me to sit for hours watching a television show. Yet when I watch these shows, I never feel inspired. I don’t feel light or happy. I honestly don’t feel anything. It’s simply a pass time. Something I put no thought or effort into. However, when I ‘watched’ my food, I found that I felt proud. It felt good to look at all the veggies and fruits I had bought. It’s almost as if my body began to respond to the image I was seeing. As I was seeing healthy foods, I began to imagine eating them and suddenly I felt light and excited for dinner.

That’s when I got the revelation. What I feed myself determines life or death. And by feed, I mean naturally and spiritually. I’m not saying it’s a sin, or wrong, or you’re gonna die if you watch T.V. Don’t get caught up in that. That was simply a way the Lord broke it down to me so I could understand. The message in it was this:

Feed your spirit with things that give life, and you shall live. Feed your spirit with things of death, and you shall die.

Ladies, we are only here for but a moment. And I have spent years wasting time and feeding my self death. Whether it was the shows I chose to watch, some of the company I chose to keep, or even the food I chose to eat. And God says no more. He wanted me to see just what I was truly seeing. I hope this makes sense. When I sat and looked at the goodness that God made; when I sat and looked at this food that was so vibrant in color and so healthy, my body followed suit. I began to feel better just by looking at the goodness.

Moral of the story: Sit back and watch what you eat. Spiritually, sit and watch what you are consuming. Watch the conversations you have at work or church. Watch the way you react when something goes wrong. Watch the way your body responds when you eat certain foods. I truly believe you will be amazed at what you haven’t been seeing. In this walk, we must be vigilant and diligent in ALL we do.

Love you all,

Gladys ♥️




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One Comment

  1. This was very inspiring. I am in transition right now, trying to make the right food choices. I agreed: about the response of our body’s reaction to certain foods. I am a witness. Therefore, I know what foods to avoid or eat as little of, as possible.
    Thank you for your post.
    Yours in Christ,

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