Their secret to living a life they love

I’m getting ready to head out the door to teach my Saturday morning fitness class. (I taught my first fitness class in 1986!) I’ve been teaching these ladies for 15+ years and it amazes me how they continue to come out year after year, Saturday after Saturday. Some of them are in their late 60’s and if truth be told, some of them put me to shame with their fitness levels! One lady, Diane is in her 70’s and she still runs marathons!

So what’s their secret? They’ve made health a way of life; a priority. Being healthy is not an option for them; not something to do after their chores are done or when they have time. They wake up, put their exercise clothes on and just do it. They don’t think about how they feel or if they’re in the mood. They make their health a  priority and understand that without health, none of the other aspects of their lives would come together.

At the age of 50, 55 and even 65+, these ladies are able to travel, spend quality time with their family, volunteer their time to help others and live the life that they love. That’s what good health affords them.

This was not always the case for these ladies. When I listen to their individual testimonies, I’m surprised that many of them were not always active and did not always take care of themselves. It goes to show that it’s never too late to get in shape.

I hope these ladies’ stories inspire you do something today and everyday to take care of your temple. You may not have a desire to run marathons in your 70’s but you can do something to honour yourself today and everyday. Go for a walk, dance or even turn your housework into a fun workout.

Today I’m sharing a complimentary 15 minute exercise routine with you. It is usually exclusive to the member of the Haven program but I don’t want anyone saying that they did not know what to do– no excuses. If don’t have an exercise routine of your own, check out this short one here: Walking Workout

I pray you have a fun, fit and faithful day in the Lord.

Love Cathy



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