A Lesson from My Soccer Playing Son

Over the next week, I will be enjoying the  beautiful cities of Madrid, Malaga and Seville.  My 13 year old son is playing soccer in Spain and Portugal and we get the privilege of watching him live out one of his dreams. What an incredible opportunity for a young man.

I always admire my son because he seems to have a confidence and surety about him that I never had in some areas of my life. When he was 6 years old he declared, “No offense mom but when I’m sixteen, I’m going to play soccer in Europe.” Now he’s not yet sixteen and he’s only gone for two weeks but I see how his bold declaration is coming to fruition.


I think we all had these bold dreams when we were young but somewhere along the lines something happened that caused us to stop dreaming. You may have set a weight-loss goal but as time passed and you kept failing at it you started to lose hope in your desires and dreams.


Why? Our limiting beliefs play in our heads like broken records reminding us of our short-comings. Or they remind of the negative words that were spoken to us by an adult; or the verbal or physical abuse that we suffered as a child is a stark reminder that we are victims and are not ‘supposed’ to be victorious in anything we do.


But I’m here to tell you that the devil is a liar! We can reclaim every dream and every vision that was given to us in the name of Jesus. We can do this by:

1. Getting to the root of what keeps us stuck and giving up on our dreams and goals

2. Declare and confess God’s word over our lives and over our dreams and goals.


I’ve just created 10 powerful prayers that are blessing many people on my fan-page. I encourage you to use them daily to declare God’s word over your weight loss goals and any other area of your lives where you feel yourself lacking.


Please do me a favour and share them with your friends or anyone else who you think would be blessed by them. You can download them for free here


I will send you a couple of photos from Spain during the week.


Continue to walk in the power of God’s word and never give up on your goals and dreams.


Your partner in victory,




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