Every year I seek God and ask Him to reveal a “word”, or a point of focus that He has for me for the upcoming year. Loud and clear I have received my word for 2019—obedience. My first thought was, “For real, God? Are you sure my word is not “fearless” or “joy” or anything but “obedience”? Can’t I have an easy word that doesn’t sound so painful?” Nope. Not today.
You see, God has delivered me from a long list of things in my life. Yet there is one area that I struggle in. I am overweight.
I have the “knowledge” of how to lose weight. The problem in the past has been getting my “want to” lined up with my “how to”. But is it really? If I could do it in my own strength, wouldn’t I have conquered this years ago?
I can’t seem to pass up a chocolate chip cookie when it calls my name. In her book “Made to Crave”, author Lysa Terkeurst relates wanting to go to the brownie aisle in the grocery store and hook up an IV when she gets stressed. I can relate on so many levels. Duncan Hines and Betty Crocker have been alongside me through many late night struggles.
I have tried every diet ever invented. I have done seemingly every Bible study related to weight loss. But still, I find myself overweight, tired, and not living the healthy, abundant life that Jesus died for me to live.
I don’t think I am alone in this struggle. I hear from family members, co-workers, and women just like me every day. Are you on the struggle-bus with me? Are you stuck circling the mountain like the Israelites, wanting one thing but doing another?
After listening to the Faith, Not Food Webinar in the Weight Loss, God’s Way Program the other day, I was convicted in my spirit, ‘It’s not about the weight.’ The weight is a physical symptom of an unmet spiritual need. I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to fill a God-sized need with food. What am I really craving when that cookie calls my name? Love, peace, forgiveness, or acceptance?
Exercise and food alone won’t do it or I wouldn’t be writing this and you probably wouldn’t be nodding your head in agreement.
Psalms 139:23 (NIV) tells us that ONLY GOD KNOWS OUR HEART.
The first step is to ask God why you keep circling the mountain. It’s more than just saying “Lord help me”. If you have been on this circling path for more than a short time (like me), there’s something deeper. We must ask God to uncover the core issue. This is Step 1 (of 3) in the Weight Loss, God’s Way program – Reveal the Root!
I need God to break the cycle of “I’m starting a diet – I can’t do it – What’s wrong with me – I might as well eat what I want.” I need GOD to search me, know my heart, and fill the void that I try to fill with food with HIS LOVE, HIS PEACE, HIS PRESENCE!
It is not enough to talk the talk, it’s time for me to DO WHAT GOD SAYS TO DO! The scripture that I will be living in, walking in, and meditating on for 2019 is James 1:22-25.
22-24 Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Those who hear and don’t act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like.
25 But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God—the free life!—even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action.
Here’s my takeaway …
- It’s time for me to do what God says to do.
- It’s time to get a vision of the FREE life that Christ has for me.
- It’s time for me to be a woman of action.
One act of obedience is worth a hundred sermons. The next time that cookie calls me I am ready!
Will you join me?
Spend time alone with God reading Psalms 139 and ask Him to reveal to you the root of your problem. Write out what God is speaking to you and meditate on it. Find prayers and scripture confessions like these from WLGW and stick them on your mirror, your fridge, your desk, or wherever you will see them! What can you do starting today to put your faith into action?
If you are looking for a community of women just like you, and me, consider becoming a member of Weight Loss, God’s Way where we can take this spiritual journey together while reaping physical benefits! The weight loss is a by-product of a deeper relationship with Jesus. We can laugh, cry, encourage, and most importantly DO WHAT GOD SAYS TO DO!
P.S. if you are tired of circling the same mountain over and over and want a Christ-centered approach to lasting weight loss without feeling guilty, deprived, or overwhelmed, be sure to sign up for our video course program right away at cathymorenzie.com
Written by Melissa Motes
WLGW Member and Support Staff
Melissa, I’ve been in team meetings with you, and we’re usually talking business, which is what the team meetings are for. I’m so glad I have this opportunity to hear from your heart! Thank you for sharing. And saying just what so many women are feeling. I’m so in agreement with your takeaway! ❤️
Thanks Ena for our encouragement, now and always!
Ena thanks for your encouragement now and always! Love being on the TEAM with you!
All of this. I needed to hear this today. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Yes!!!! I love this program and I am enjoying it so much but I find myself struggling to “picture” what this healthy lifestyle should look like. I have been overweight my whole life even as a child so I always feel like I don’t know what I’m working towards. I also struggle with knowing how to pray. I never know if I am saying the right things or asking the right questions. I want to plug in and get as deep into this program and I can.
Neisha remember that God knows your heart – even if you dont know how to pray He hears your heart cry! Keep pursuing His presence and ask Him to guide you. I love that scripture in Isaiah 55:11 that reminds us that God’s word never returns void – it will do what He sent it to do!
Inspiring 🙂 🙂
Thank you Melissa for loss story it’s like you wrote my story, I can agree with everything you wrote.
I LOVED this Melissa, it’s as if you were inside my head and reading my thoughts exactly. Your words touched me, thank you for being my inner voice.
Welcome Cynthia – glad to know I’m not alone:)
Melissa, thank you for sharing. I think many of us here at WLGW can relate. I am making a copy of this for my refig door, to read when I am about to my a poor choice.
Donzil you have encouraged me as well! Praying for you!