If you’ve been repeating any type of behaviour over a long period of time then that behaviour inevitably becomes a part of your identity. These identities can bring many productive blessings and prosperity to your life, such as, being known as a philanthropist or a leader, but many of us also take on self-defeating identities that leave us feeling void of life and powerless. The problem with these assumed identities is that they are often unconscious, so we often don’t even realize the roles we have taken on in life.
Over the last 25 years of training clients, I’ve been the most challenged by a particular identity I will refer to as the ‘infirmed spirit’— meaning that a spirit of infirmity is dominating their life, their daily habits, their speech and their success in life. They come in all ages, shapes, sizes, ethnicities and income levels and they are all highly motivated to get in shape, yet they all had one thing in common. They all had a laundry list of health complaints that often kept them from reaching their goals.
Here are a few characteristic of the ‘infirmed spirit’ that I’ve experienced in my practice:
1. Many of us are challenged with one or two chronic health complaints – such as a sore back, asthma or high blood pressure, but these particular clients usually had upwards of 5 – 10 health complaints and usually had an equal amount of prescription medications (which can cause even more issues).
2. They were often in pain in some body part and they often had sleepless nights as a result. This compounds the issue as, in most instances, they had to cancel their fitness sessions with me. The inactivity then made their illnesses worse and so the cycle continued.
3. Their infirmity rules their day. Much of their conversation was about their infirmities. Most of their reasons for why they were unable to exercise or do many basic daily activities were because of their infirmity. Understandably, much of their joy and peace in life was stolen because of their infirmity.
4. In many cases, the ‘spirit of infirmity’ had been passed down from their mother or another family member and I’ve seen it then passed down onto the next generation as well.
5. Many people try to help but the situation seems hopeless for the ‘infirmed spirit’ and the people trying to help.
Does any of this sound like your life? As I said, it is a subconscious issue so people with this identity may not even realize how their life has become overtaken by their infirmity. It’s often all they’ve ever known.
When your body is sick or is under any type of stress, it will remain in a heightened emotional state which affects your mood; your mood shapes your language and your language shapes your life so after a period you and your illness become one and you’re were not even aware of it.
I’d like you to imagine who you would be if you were not sick so often. For many, that thought can be overwhelming (because it’s a complete break from the life they’ve always known) and it’s that feeling of over-whelm which often keeps them stuck in the cycle. It’s all about control. It may seem counter-intuitive because when you are sick, it feels like you do not have any control, but the opposite is true. You see, when you’re sick you can control your disappointment, you can control not getting results, you can control being overweight, you can control people’s low expectations from you and you can control not having to take 100% responsibility for your life.
Your infirmity is your legitimate excuse why you can’t move forward. Your ‘infirmed spirit’ allows you to remain where you are (again, this is a subconscious desire, as consciously these people are often trying hard to be better and more fit). But what if, at a deep level, you were able to release this control mechanism? Who would you become? What would your life look like?
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10)
These clients often remind me of the sad story in the book of John about a man that allowed his infirmity to become his way of life for 38 years! The story outlines a lame man waiting at a healing pool that was believed to heal whoever was the first person to step into the water after it was stirred by an angel of the Lord. (John 5: 1-9) Although he may have had a legitimate excuse (like many of us) for not going after what he wanted, he blamed his situation on other people not helping him. “He complained that other people were always jumping ahead of him and that’s why he could not receive his healing. Whatever his reason was or our reasons are, Jesus provides the answer.
Jesus is asking you as he asked the man at the pool, “Do you want to get well?”
If you’re sick and tired, of being sick and tired, and you are really ready to get well then it’s time to reclaim your life.
How do you do it?
The first step to being healed is to get to the root of what’s going on within you. Your outer body is a manifestation of what’s going on inside. Spend time with God and ask him to show you the root (the underlying issues) within. (Psalm 139:23)
Step 2 of my program, 5 Steps to Christian Weight Loss teaches that you reclaim your life by letting go.
- You let go of your need to control your circumstances and allow your heavenly father to take the reins.
- You let go by making a decision (today) that you are walking out of that life.
- You let go by allowing the Holy Spirit to heal you from the inside.
- You let go by renewing your mind with the Word of God.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17).
This is only the beginning of the process and this article is only to expose how your infirmity is keeping you from reaching your ideal weight and health. It might be hard hitting for you to believe that you might be in control of your illnesses but treat it as a possible place to start if you’ve struggled with your weight for as long as you can remember.
I pray for excellent health, healing and wholeness for your life in Jesus’ mighty name.
Until Next Week,
One Comment
Awesome!!! Just what I needed… Thank you so much…