Choosing Doing Over Feeling

My challenge to myself during the next 27 days is to be not led by my feelings. I will rely on my goals to motivate me and continue to do what I need to do everyday regardless of what mood I’m in.

Day 73 of my 100 day challenge. Boy, do I feel the pressure .

If I were to assess my performance to date I would rate it at a 60%; if I were to be brutally honest—50%.

This 100 day challenge i really a little sneak peek into how I live my life. It’s the perfect representation of what my life looks like at any given moment.

As I near the end I see my patterns:

  • I start fast and lose steam quickly
  • I settle for good enough instead of excellence
  • I am strongly led by how I’m feeling
  • I turn the heat up when I can see the finish line
  • I only share with others when things are going well and hide out when they’re not

My biggest growing area is consistency—some days I’m on fire and some days I have no desire to even think about my goals. I realize that I do things when I feel like it. If I’m not in the mood to write then I won’t write. If I don’t feel like returning a call, I won’t.

So my challenge to myself during the next 27 days is to be not led by my feelings. I will rely on my goals to motivate me and continue to do what I need to do everyday regardless of what mood I’m in.

I’m committed to finishing strong. It’s an interesting challenge to take on during the Christmas season. I ‘feel’ like decorating, baking, shopping and all the other festivities that accompany the holidays. However, I know if I want to accomplish my goals then I must continue to ‘do’ what I’ve set out to do each day and refuse to be led by my feelings.

There’ll be plenty of time to partake in the festivities once my to-do list is complete for the day.



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