Cheryl’s 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge- Day 2

Michelle Obama was on Oprah a few years ago and she mentioned that she woke up at 4:30AM in order to get her workouts in

Divine intervention is always at work.

The alarm was set for 4:50AM (no typo) and you know that the snooze button was on the ready. However, on the radio was the remake of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.” I did hit the snooze button but the song kept playing in my head – THAT this morning was enough for me to ‘rise and shine’, get on my workout gear and to the gym.

My 30 day challenge includes a commitment to a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 7 days a week with a combination of cardio and weight training.

With a 3 year old son, a husband, a household to run, a demanding career and then there is the commute!) this is a HUGE commitment for not only myself but also my family. It means that routine is essential…the 3 year old needs to be played with, bathed, fed, story read – essentially nurtured with enough time for me to prep for the following day and in bed at a reasonable time to make the 4:50AM alarm Mondays to Fridays feasible.

Michelle Obama was on Oprah a few years ago and she mentioned that she woke up at 4:30AM in order to get her workouts in. Although the time seemed alarming she put it in perspective. If I had to wake up for my child, my parents, my husband, a flight, something work related at 4:30AM I would not even think twice about it. Why have I not been enough to organize my life in a manner that if a 4:50AM alarm is what is required for me to give 30-45 minutes to my improved health, state of mind and overall well-being?

On the eve of my 40th birthday (2010), I am realizing that I am actually enough.



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