In the last 21 days my fasting glucose went down 72 points and I lost 6lbs!
I am celebrating that in the last 21 days my fasting glucose went down 72 points and I lost 6#’s! To God be the glory! Could not have done it without LOTS of conversations with Jesus! I was addicted to peanut butter cups and I have not had ANY in almost a month. That’s a miracle, Friends! I love it when my Master takes over and SAVES me from myself. Cathy, to stay motivated, I kept going back to my list of costs associated with NOT meeting my goals. That woke me up! I came up with 20 regrets…ranging all the way from disobedience to wasting money on meds to ugly swimsuits. 🙂 I have not, yet, arrived, but I am praising Jesus all the way to my promised land. Amen. Praying for each of you