What’s your unique gift?

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”  1 Pet 4:10

I spent this past weekend at a power packed fitness convention here in Toronto. It was 3 full days of learning. I’m feeling full with new ideas, inspiration, and exercise techniques, and most of all, I feel so blessed that I have the privilege of helping change and affect other people’s lives–sharing my gift of teaching and encouragement to strengthen their bodies. When I’m sharing my gift with others is when I feel most fulfilled and inspired. I feel “in the zone” and energized!  Teaching health and wellness has been my labour of love for almost 30 years.

What puts you in your zone? Is it taking care of your children? Helping others? Painting or some other hobby? We all have gifts that we’ve been blessed with, and when we’re operating in them they bring out our best selves and leave us feeling fulfilled and energized.

Many of us might not feel gifted, or like we don’t have anything to contribute, but that’s because we compare ourselves to others and we find ourselves lacking in view of others accomplishments. However, each and every one of our gifts and contributions are valuable. God has created us all with unique gifts.

What’s your gift? What do people ask your advice on? What are you best known for? What contribution do you make to this world?

Whatever God put you on this planet to do, do it! That’s how you live a fulfilled life and that’s how you bring glory to God.

What does this have to do with your weight? Everything! Here’s the thing…when you’re operating in your gifts you feel fulfilled, and when you feel fulfilled, you’re not looking for food to fill you. Most of our cravings are actually spiritual cravings, meaning that our soul is crying out for more. More love, more peace, more joy, but since we don’t know how to fill intangible, empty feelings, we use food as a substitute. Yet, as you’ve probably already noticed, food temporarily fills the void and then makes the void even bigger.

One of the solutions to fill the void is to get busy and do what God put in your heart to do. If you don’t know what your gifts are, ask your friend, spouse, or family member. Often others can see it better than we can. Then, when you’ve discovered it, do it! Whatever it is, do it to the best of your ability and it will bring more joy, peace, and fulfillment, and less emotional eating and bingeing.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Col 3:17

I’m looking forward to sharing all the newest research on health and wellness that I’ve learned at the fitness conference.

What has God put in your heart to do? I would love to hear what you do that puts you in your zone. Please share below.




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