Vision, or Unrestrained?
When it comes to your health, are you on a clear path to turn your vision for your life into reality? Let me back that up a hot minute. Do you HAVE a vision for your health? Is your vision inspiring? Does it motivate you to keep going?
The business world teaches people to have a vision board to imagine where they are going. Clip the pictures of the cities and countries you want to tour. Post the picture of that Lamborghini and the dream home. Then lay out strategic plans to reach those goals. Keep the dream board where you see it daily and press on! But, what about your health? Have you given yourself permission to dream about your health?
I like how the NASB translates Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained…” That can certainly apply to our weight loss journey. If you don’t know where you are going, you will never know when you arrive. Worse, you will allow yourself to get further and further from the good health that God desires for you.
Plan Prayerfully
January is usually our “Plan Prayerfully” month in Weight Loss God’s Way, but it’s always a good time to pray and plan. We have courses that help you plan your vision board for your health. Part of the process is choosing a word for the year and scripture that will keep you motivated.
Last year my word was “intentional” and my scripture Ephesians 5:15-16, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” It was amazing how many times my word and verse would come to mind. I had to be “intentional” with what I ate, my exercise, keeping up with my Weight Loss God’s Way lessons, and more. When I would catch myself getting off track, or heading in a direction that wasn’t specifically what God had called me to, my word and verse would remind me where I was heading. I was going to be “intentional about making my health vision a reality.
The Weight Loss God’s Way program also teaches us to write out a vision statement for our health goals and make them from our core values. Dream about a typical day when you would reach your desired weight. What will you be doing? How will you be spending your time? Who will you be spending your time with? How will you feel? Write it in present-tense.
Include Core Values
God and family are my two primary core values. I decided I wanted to really get an idea of what life would be like when I lost my 80 plus pounds. I went to my husband and adult son and asked them what we could do together when I lost the weight that we could not do then.
My husband said hiking. We had visited the Grand Canyon a couple of years prior and I lasted about 20 minutes on the trails. So much beauty to see, but I was tired before we even got started. My son said he wasn’t sure if it was for me, but he would like to run a half marathon. I used to be a runner, but that was 35 years ago and even then I was a sprinter, never distance. Those conversations though created a spark in me, and excitement, which led to a beautifully written vision statement. I gave myself permission to dream.
My vision for a day in my new life included relaxing in our private pool, wearing my new bikini, which my husband really liked. I wrote that I was a little sore after running the half marathon the day before with my son, but nothing stretching wouldn’t take care of. I envisioned myself waking up before the alarm, enjoying my quiet time watching the sunrise and doing my devotions. I reflected on now being able to keep up with the grandkids and noted that our flight was scheduled to head back to the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park with my husband, this time to take the more challenging trails. I focused my mind to see my health vision turn into reality.
Reach the Goal
The vision was written. I posted it with my word for the year, my scripture for the year, and a picture of myself in the best shape of my life. I looked at my board daily and read the vision frequently. I also broke my weight goal down to 1.5 pounds per week. I searched for a 5K, signed up, and started training with a friend. When COVID canceled the race, we ran it anyway complete with medals.
I reached my weight loss goal last year in about 10 months, ran over 700 miles, and am now training for the half marathon. My vision became bigger than just myself. It incorporated what was most important to me and set me on the path with purpose. It became a powerful tool to help turn my vision into reality.
Take Action
Are you ready to start seeing yourself as healthy, at weight goal, full of energy, and enjoying life? Will you set yourself up for success to turn your health vision into reality? If so, don’t wait. Sign up now to become a member of Weight Loss God’s Way. Each course is packed with scripture and comes from a Christian perspective to change your mindset to line up with the good health that God desires for you. 3 John 1:2 says, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”
God wants the best for you. “…I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10. When I share my story I can now include that I am a mentor in the Weight Loss God’s Way program. After leading a ladies’ Bible study for almost 15 years, this is my new ministry. It is a ministry, where God has allowed me to use all of my experiences to bring freedom to ladies that have been held back from all God has for them, which includes good health. I commit to staying focused on that call. Will you join me?
Blessings in Abundance,
Michele Malenky