My weight loss journey has been revolutionized by having been a member of Breakthrough and Haven.
There is so much I learned, that it’d be difficult to narrow it down to even a few things. But the reason my journey has completely changed as a result of Breakthrough is I found a new “why”. I learned that it’s actually not my battle to fight, and though I have choices to make, I don’t have to make them alone or on my own will power. God made me, loves me, he bought me with a price, redeemed me, took up residence inside my heart, and expects me to take care of his temple — and he’s right there to help me! I learned that I am not my own and that I don’t get to decide what’s good for me if I want to be in God’s will. God wants my whole heart and he wants me to put down anything that gets in the way of me giving it to him – and for me, some foods can do that.
Through relationship with him, God’s power is changing me from the inside-out, and I’m becoming more and more free from this thing that plagued me for as long as I can remember. I have the healthiest perspective on my body and myself that I’ve had in my entire life, and that’s a direct result of finding this group. Shame over my body, over my habits, over my human imperfection are on their way out. Grace and trust are on their way in, in ever-increasing quantities. I couldn’t be happier.