Hate Exercise? Here are 10 Simple Tips to Change Your Mind

Hate Exercise? Here are 10 Simple Tips to Change Your Mind

After hearing how many of you ‘hate’ exercise, I thought I’d share some things that you can do to make you start enjoying it more. To be 100% honest, I don’t love to exercise. I don’t love sacrificing the time that it takes and I don’t love the sore muscles or little injuries that I…

5 Healthy Habits

5 Healthy Habits You Need to Do Everyday

Ever wished you knew what the best healthy habits were that would have the biggest impact on your health? It’s been a couple of weeks since my annual fitness conference here in Toronto, Canada and I’m slowly digesting all of the new information I gleaned. The keynote presenter was Harley Pasternak, a celebrity fitness trainer…

‘Be in the world but not of it’, like the red snapper.

I’m on the island Antigua for a few days. Antigua is a beautiful island in the Eastern Caribbean. It’s surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other. This morning as I was walking on the beach and tasting the salt in the air, I reflected on the grilled…

Is Your Weight-loss Journey Spirit or Flesh-led?

Is Your Weight-loss Journey Spirit or Flesh-led?

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Romans 8:5 I received a very honest message from one of the members. She said, “So I don’t really know how…


If I’ve Submitted My Health to God, Why Don’t I Have Victory?

  If you’re a health-conscious Christian who has been praying about your weight and health, yet it feels like you’re still not gaining victory in this area of your life, then this post is for you. It is inspired by a great question that a member shared about her frustration with reaching out to God…