Turning Fear into Faith: How to Overcome Weight Loss Challenges

Conquering fear  Have you ever embarked on a weight loss journey filled with motivation and determination, only to be derailed by fear? Fear has a sneaky way of creeping in and sabotaging our progress. It can manifest in various forms – fear of failure, fear of success, or even the fear of deprivation. But what…

Overcoming Weight Loss Fears: Trusting in God’s Guidance

Cathy here, from Weight Loss God’s Way, and today, let’s delve into the fears that can hinder your weight loss journey. In Psalm 34:4, David mentions how he sought the Lord, who delivered him from all his fears. Surprisingly, fear often lurks beneath the surface of our health goals, sabotaging our progress. Faith-Based Weight Loss…

Discovering Weight Loss Freedom: Embracing a New Path

Finding Freedom in Weight Loss , Weight loss is often accompanied by a barrage of strict rules and guidelines, dictating our meals, exercise routines, and eating schedules. However, when following these rules doesn’t yield the desired outcomes, frustration can set in. \ The Heavy Burden of Rules: Finding Freedom in Weight Loss journeys can become weighed…

Breathing in God’s Presence: A Key to Restoring Alignment and Health

Breathing in God’s Presence: A Key to Restoring Alignment and Health

“Mindful breathing in God’s presence” from the outset to nurture alignment and well-being. Discover the transformative power of mindful breathing—a practice that deepens your connection with God’s presence. In this post, Cathy from Weight Loss God’s Way uncovers the profound link between your inner state, divine wisdom, and the practice of intentional breathing. Understanding the…

Daily Rest in the Lord: A Path to Optimal Health

Daily Rest in the Lord: A Path to Optimal Health

Do your days often feel frazzled, overwhelmed by anxiety, and consumed by the ceaseless pace of life? If so, you’re not alone. However, there’s a powerful solution—pursuing daily rest in the Lord. This concept not only profoundly benefits your overall well-being but also offers a fresh perspective on life. Rest: The Foundation of Health Hello,…

Trust in God: Navigating Trust, Rest, Anxiety, and Health

Trust in God: Navigating Trust, Rest, Anxiety, and Health

Do you truly trust God? Amidst life’s challenges, finding trust in God can be a source of solace and guidance. It’s Cathy from Weight Loss, God’s Way, and today, we’re delving into a topic that might resonate deeply with you. Join me as we explore the powerful connection between trust in God, rest, and your…

Getting Clarity on Your Weight Loss Goals

Getting Clarity on Your Weight Loss Goals

Do you find yourself always flip-flopping when it comes to your health and weight releasing journey. This week you’re doing keto. The next week you’re cutting out your meats. This week you’re on a liquid protein smoothie diet. And next week you’re fasting the next weekend your intermittent fasting next week your one meal a…

Overcoming Excuse Making to Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Overcoming Excuse Making to Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Maybe you’re not even aware that you’re making excuses. It’s Cathy here. I’m with weight loss God’s Way. And today I want to talk to you about excuse -making all the reasons we give for why we are not achieving our health goals. I’m too tired. I don’t have the energy. I don’t have the…