The Secret to Contentment (and Permanent Weight Loss)

The Secret to Contentment (and Permanent Weight Loss)

  Here’s a bold statement … “If you want to live a happy life, let go of all expectations!” This does not mean wake up and do nothing everyday. It means, let go of what you think your life and every experience in your life should look like. Learn to be content with wherever you…

God is in control

How to Respond After the U.S. Elections

The LORD has made the heavens His throne; from there He rules over everything (Psalm 103:19, NLT). If you voted in the American elections last night, you either woke up very shocked or relieved. I live in Ontario, Canada and my emotions have been on a roller-coaster over the past year. Tensions have run high, insults…

trouble won't last always- weight loss

3 Simple Steps to Get Back on Track After a ‘Bad’ Eating Weekend

I’m coming off a less than stellar eating weekend. I ate out twice and my food choices were outside of my boundaries. In the past, this would have completely derailed me, but praise God I’m at a place where I can quickly and effortlessly get back on track. In the past I would beat up…