Need More Balance in Your Life? Try This Instead

Need More Balance in Your Life? Try This Instead

Be honest. How many times have you said, “I need more balance in my life?” What if I told you that striving for balance might not be an ideal goal to strive for. You’re probably saying to yourself, “I thought we’re supposed to live a balanced life?” Well, yes and no. Striving for balance is…

How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Christmas Season

How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Christmas Season

It’s official, the Christmas season is in full swing! Not sure how true this is, but I’ve heard that the average person gains 5-10 pounds between (American) Thanksgiving and the New Year. What’s even more discouraging is that, statistically, in most cases, that weight is never lost. Given your past, does that sound accurate to…

weight loss goals

How to set achievable weight loss goals

Do you set weight-loss goals? Do you achieve them? I can’t remember the amount of times I woke up from a weekend or week-long session of binge-eating saying, “That’s it! This week I’m going to eat nothing but vegetables!” Well that usually lasted for about a day and then I would get too hungry and…

‘Be in the world but not of it’, like the red snapper.

I’m on the island Antigua for a few days. Antigua is a beautiful island in the Eastern Caribbean. It’s surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other. This morning as I was walking on the beach and tasting the salt in the air, I reflected on the grilled…