Is Your Weight-loss Journey Spirit or Flesh-led?

Is Your Weight-loss Journey Spirit or Flesh-led?

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Romans 8:5 I received a very honest message from one of the members. She said, “So I don’t really know how…

10 Phrases and Words to Never Say if you Want to Lose Weight

The #1 Habit you Must Change to Lose Weight

What do you think the number 1 habit is you must change in order to lose weight permanently? Exercise daily? Don’t eat after 8:00 pm? Minimize sugar intake? Keep a food journal? Those are all good habits and I recommend them all to my clients but without changing your speech, you will continually find yourself…


Common Sense Biblical Principles to Help You Lose Weight

  Try these 5 Common Sense approaches based on biblical principles. We use the name Weight Loss, God’s Way because I truly believe that a biblical approach to weight-loss is the best route. We often feel that things need to be complicated in order for them to be effective—there’s just gotta be more to it….