Is Your Weight-loss Journey Spirit or Flesh-led?

Is Your Weight-loss Journey Spirit or Flesh-led?

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Romans 8:5 I received a very honest message from one of the members. She said, “So I don’t really know how…

binge eating

Do you eat in private where no one else can see?

This week in both the Haven program and the ‘Weight Loss, God’s Way Challenge’ the topic of sneaking/hiding to eat came up in our discussions. These discussions took me back to all the times when I would wait for dinner company to leave before I would devour all the left-over desserts that I told the…

3 Keys to Emotional Eating Freedom- Kimberly Taylor

I once asked my email readers: What is your biggest weight loss challenge? Emotional eating got twice as many votes as the number #2 vote getter. When I weighed 240 pounds, I too ate to manage negative emotions. But during my 85-pound weight loss, I discovered freedom came down to three things. 1. Courage…