It’s Not A Knowledge Problem. You Know What to Do!

It’s Not A Knowledge Problem. You Know What to Do!

It’s Not a Knowledge Problem Recently when I was coaching a client on the phone, she asked me the age-old question, “What’s the best diet that I should be following?” I don’t have a problem answering this question, but I do realize that knowing the best diet is not usually helpful. It’s not a knowledge…

Healthy self-image

Healthy Self-Image or Vanity? What’s the Difference?

The struggle to develop a healthy self-image and build up our self-esteem is as real for Christian women as it is for most other women. The additional challenge is that our faith can serve to complicate the issue even more. That’s because many of us were taught that focusing on our bodies was vanity, so…

Happy FriYay

You Shall Have What You Say. I Say, “It’s FriYay!”

Happy Friday, Sisters! I trust your week was blessed! It’s FriYAY! 😀🤣 I say “FriYAY,” not because I’m glad it’s the weekend, but because I’m committed to making every day a “YAYday.” That’s especially important during these uncertain times. I believe you shall have what you say. Because of that, I’m committed to rejoicing in the…

Turn Your Health Vision into Reality
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Turn Your Health Vision into Reality

Vision, or Unrestrained? When it comes to your health, are you on a clear path to turn your vision for your life into reality? Let me back that up a hot minute. Do you HAVE a vision for your health? Is your vision inspiring? Does it motivate you to keep going? The business world teaches…

A Common Sense Weight Loss Approach from Proverbs

A Common Sense Weight Loss Approach from Proverbs

A Common-Sense Approach Have you ever thought about the Bible as offering a common sense approach to weight loss? Just like answers to every other challenge in life, it’s in there. We use the name Weight Loss, God’s Way because I truly believe that a biblical approach to weight loss is the best route. We…

Moderate or Eliminate
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Should I Moderate, or Eliminate Certain Foods?

“Everything in Moderation” I touted the principle of moderation for years to all of my clients and for the same amount of time attempted to live by this principle myself. “Everything in moderation,” I used to say, but I would always have a difficult time putting it into practice. It was only with a few…