Prior to starting the 30 Day detox my weight loss journey was inconsistent and I started over every Monday. My eating was out of control and I was 222 lbs. This program has transformed my mind, body, and Spirit. I looked forward to my daily emails which was a time of worship, enlightenment, and positive feedback. I have lost 10 lbs and have 50 more pounds to go. Cathy you are an inspiration.
Thesla A.
This has been one of the best spiritual and physical (weight loss) courses I’ve ever taken! I feel renewed spiritually and mentally. I have released weight and feel very healthy. Detoxing from sugar and toxic thoughts is the best gift you could give yourself. I will go through this course again because it is so beneficial.
Ena G
You know how sugar is negatively affecting your entire body, but you're simply not ready to give it all up yet. Each day you will consume between 150-100 grams of sugar/carbohydrates per day.
You truly want to get rid of the stronghold of sugar, but you feel it's too big of a commitment right now to change your lifestyle so drastically. You are, however, ready to give up sugar in all processed foods, but you will still have natural sugars in breads, cereals, and fruits. You will consume between 50-100 grams of sugar/carbohydrates per day.
Participate in the full detox if you know that the Lord has led you to this time and date. You've wanted to do a full sugar detox for years, or you've tried it before but have not been able to stick to it. You're ready to commit to the full 30-day sugar detox challenge by minimizing your daily sugar/carbohydrate consumption to less than 50 grams per day.
There’s no denying that prayer has the power to transform your life IF you apply it consistently and diligently to your life.
Get ready to ignite your prayer life. Pray boldly and consistently for your health, your weight, and your entire life.
Each day for 30 days, you will receive a powerful prayer that will confirm your identity in Christ; your ability to do all things through Him and help you remain focused on your body and mind detox.
Cathy is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Fitness Instructor, International Presenter, Weight Management Consultant & Best-Selling Author.
As CEO and Founder of, Cathy’s mission is to help women understand that God is at the center of the process of achieving their healthy weight and fitness goals.
Her commitment to the world is to help women cut through all the weight loss confusion and conflicting information, so they can understand how to permanently lose weight.
She helps women move past the fears, the lies, and the insecurities, that stop them from losing weight, and offers a simple, Christ-centered, common sense approach to permanent weight loss.
As a personal trainer for 35 years, she has logged over 30,000 coaching hours in the health and wellness field. Through her Healthy by Design books and programs, she has helped hundreds of thousands of women lose weight and learn how to keep it off. She is blessed to be able to share what she’s learned with you, too.
Weight Loss God’s Way
CEO + Founder
I am so thankful for this program. It has helped me learn how to capture those toxic thoughts that have caused havoc in my daily life. These 40 days have not been perfect by any means, but I have grown in my spiritual walk remembering that progress, not perfection is to be my goal. I have released 16 pounds & definitely, I am thankful for that. I have gained so much more in spiritual growth & desire to continue that growth in the days ahead as I keep on keeping on.
Norma U.
This course was an immense help to me to encourage my focus on establishing a new lifestyle of thinking, planning, and eating because it touches on all of our being: spirit, soul, and body. The daily practice of recognizing toxic thoughts, capturing them and replacing them with God’s truth is truly the only way to transformed thinking and living in total freedom according to God’s principles and plan. Thank you, Cathy, for being an instrument of bringing victory and freedom to the struggling captives.
Beverley R.