“Submit to God and resist the devil” James 4:7

Easter was tough for me as I over-indulged in my son’s Easter chocolate. My mom (and hubby) still buy my 15 year old son Easter bunnies and he’s quite happy to oblige them.

It’s now 4 days post Easter celebrations and I’m still struggling to get my healthy eating plan back on track. Fact is, the more sugar you eat, the more you crave so the cravings are still strong.

I searched the scriptures for strength and encouragement and I was lead to James 4:7,

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you”

All I can say is, WOW! What an eye-opener it was for me. I felt convicted that I need to play a more active role in my faith and health walk. I can’t simply pray for help and believe that that’s enough.

James 4:7 reminded me that you can’t submit without resisting and vice verse. You can’t submit to God if you’re always giving the devil a foot-hold by giving in to every suggestion, temptation and wrong thought that he places in your mind. Conversely, you are not able to ‘resist’ the devil if you are not submitted to God. Although the devil maybe too much for us, he is no match for God, so without submitting to God, we are no match for his schemes.

I’m also learning that to ‘resist’ requires a very proactive and forceful stance. If someone were trying to steal your purse, would you resist by simply wishing the assailant would go away? Or by saying, next time I’ll do better? It sounds crazy yet that’s what we when it comes to our health. We let the devil rob us of our health when we allow ourselves to get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. He seduces us into believing that a little bit won’t hurt and we fall for the lies.

It’s time to take God’s word to heart. SUBMIT to God AND RESIST the devil. It’s not a one or the other suggestion; it’s God promise to us and He will honour it if we honour Him by living it out.

I’ve reset my boundaries and I’ve renewed my mind through prayer. I now know that I can not resist something (like chocolate), then I will make sure that it’s not in plain sight where it will tempt me. It may sound silly but I’ve asked my husband and son to hide their snacks when they bring them in the house.

I challenge you today to both ‘submit’ AND ‘resist’ in the area of your health and any other area of your life where you feel the devil is running roughshod and having his way with you.

The next time you’re tempted to eat something that you feel is tempting you, stop and look at your level of resistance. Are you truly resisting? Are you truly submitting the situation over to God and asking Him to help you through it? When you exercise these two together, your victory becomes assured.

Love and Blessings,




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