Stop Parking In Your Pain

Last year we purchased a car for my now 17-year-old daughter. The car is a standard stick shift which she did not know how to drive. It’s been an adventure, to say the least. Many tears and lots of laughter as she “jerked” along the road in the beginning.

One day after driving to school, she got out of the car after she put it into neutral and forgot to set the parking brake. The car began to roll backward and she quickly jumped back in to pull the brake before any of the friends around her could see what she did!

If you read the Bible you find that God speaks in all kinds of ways—from burning bushes to donkeys, to a still small voice that resonates with our souls. God tends to speak to me in everyday ordinary situations like forgetting to put on the brake.

“Prepare for a truth bomb.”

If you are stuck in neutral and you have pulled the parking brake on your pain, you are not going anywhere. Not moving—parked.

God doesn’t want us to park in our pain because we cannot drive into the goodness and purpose that HE has for us. 

I don’t know what your pain is. You don’t know what my pain is. It doesn’t matter. God knows. And He wants to restore you to be better than ever—a complete upgrade that you didn’t even know was possible. You are not damaged goods. You are the prized possession of the Creator of the universe!

When I talk about the way I used to be or things that happened to me, I feel like I am talking about somebody I once knew but who is now only a memory. I have memories that I have journaled about and only remember them if I read over what I have written.

God does that for me and for you. He transforms and restores us to the point that we don’t even recognize who we used to be before. We are complete and whole in Christ, nothing missing and nothing broken.

Colossians 2:10:  And our own completeness is now found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the Head of every kingdom and authority in the universe!

We are completely filled and overflowing!

That doesn’t mean we don’t have to practice walking in that freedom daily. We do. We may not always FEEL whole and complete, but it’s still TRUE whether we FEEL it or not.

Read that again …

We may not always FEEL whole and complete, but it’s still TRUE whether we FEEL it or not.

What has your pain damaged in your life? In your marriage, relationships, or maybe even your physical health?

Let me encourage you today to quit parking in your past and put your life in gear by allowing God to personally restore, heal, upgrade, and overflow in YOU. Put it in gear, roll over the devil, and drive into the FREE life God has waiting for you!


Written by Melissa Motes, WLGW Team Member




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  1. The Lord used your article to reveal some areas I have been stuck in. Thank you, Melissa!

    1. You are most welcome Jacki!

  2. Patricia L. says:

    Thank you Melissa, I am encouraged.

  3. Thank you… Its help me a lot…. God bless you..

  4. I believe this. I feel like Abigail in the Bible. Praying for my “David”. Living with Nabal.

  5. This was a great read, thank you! It’s exactly what I needed to hear!

  6. Neutral is, a trick of the enemy. He eases you into being stagnant. Before you know it you’ve become comfortably uncomfortable in your pain.

    1. Yes Yvonne I can’t like this enough!

  7. Lesley Curtis says:

    Melissa, what you wrote really touched me today. I am currently really struggling with grieving what I’ve lost, and some days I wake up with deep depression and I cry out to God, but it doesn’t move. I have received much healing over time, but I’m resubmitting to the Lord and asking him to help me move forwards today. Help me not to park in my pain, Lord, but to push through, knowing I am whole in you. Amen

    1. I know what it feels like to wake up in deep depression and know God is the answer in your head…but hasn’t reached your into your soul.

    2. keep praying 🙏 God will pull you through!

    3. Melissa Motes says:

      Lesley so glad that it touched you. I too have grieved thing many things in my past, but the reminder of how much good God has for me in the present and the future brings so much healing! I will pray for you! God is good and He has a good plan for YOU!

  8. Suzie Taylor says:

    Hi Cathy, thank you so much for your words this morning.
    I am feeling such physical pain this morning, I am going to park it with God for Him to give me strength to carry on and praise His name.
    Have a blessed day. God bless, Suzie🙏🙏

  9. Jill Hodges says:

    Amen,!! Thank you i never feel worthy just dont see how me someone like me he loves,,my brokeness is all over the place,,thank you so much,,you have no idea what your well Gods words said to me today thank you God bless

    1. Melissa Motes says:

      Yes Jill! You may feel broken, but the TRUTH is that God restores us whole and complete,nothing lacking and nothing broken!

  10. Kymbriana Christmas says:

    This came just in time. God bless you for this!

  11. Nolubabalo Mrashula says:

    I am grateful for this… It’s good to know that God has my back and the pain of the past needs to be left there. I need to know that He has a plan for my better future!

    1. Melissa Motes says:

      My pastor spoke on Jeremiah 29:11 today – God knows the plans He has for us – and they are GOOD! Praying for you!

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