Say This to Your Negative Self-Talk

This past weekend, we had the most incredible weekend enjoying exceptionally mild temperatures. I even jumped in leaves and played in the park. It was so much fun!!
These days, I’m committed to finding more fun and joy each day.
I used to be so hard on myself.
I used to feel like I was always missing the mark and believed that belittling myself would be just the motivation I needed to turn myself around– LIES, LIES, LIES!
I’m learning that God’s voice does not condemn, convince or coerce us to change so why would I talk to myself that way?
So, now when I hear those condemning voices in my head, I talk back to them. Sometimes, I gently say, “CANCEL, CANCEL” to tell my brain that I’m canceling that negative thought and it’s not be stored in my memory bank.
And other times, I go into warfare and rage against the enemy that’s trying to hijack my brain and plant his negative thoughts in my head.
However you do it, you’ve go to talk to yourself too, and cancel the lies that are trying to take root in your mind.
In Nehemiah 6:8, Nehemiah’s enemies were not in his head. They were 3 men (among many others) who tried to get him to stop the rebuilding of the Jerusalem walls by lying, coercing, and conniving.
His response, “Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head.”
BOOM!!! 🔥
Imagine having a clear conversion like that with yourself. No drama, no arguing or negotiating? It is possible. In fact, it’s essential if you’re going to have victory over your limiting beliefs that keep you from achieving optimal health.
What lies are you making up about yourself to keep you from taking action?
 What lies are you believing?
Like Nehemiah, call them out!
Don’t take the bait!
Don’t allow the enemy’s lies whether within your head or out to take root.
Declare to the lies today, Nothing like what you’re saying (or thinking) is happening! Then walk in God’s truth of who you are as the daughter of a King 👑
You got this sis, with the Lord as your strength.
You can listen to my 3 min musing on this point as I went for my morning walk in the forest.


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