Success Spotlight ~ Felicity B.

I became a member of Weight Loss, God’s Way in October 2016 when I enrolled in the Breakthrough course after completing the 21-Day Challenge. I have remained a part of the group because in WLGW I have found help, encouragement, and support as I journey toward my health goals. It is a place where I have learned so much, gained many practical tools, and where the Lord has been healing my pain from the past and continuing to restore me.

The Bible study and principles continue to draw me closer to the Lord, and my mind is gradually being transformed from the old negative ‘me’ with unhealthy thought patterns and mindset to a new ‘me’ with a mindset focused on Him.

WLGW is a place where I have been able to support and pray for others too.

I previously felt so alone in my struggle with food and trying to live a healthy lifestyle. But in this program, I find that others are going through similar things and understand what it’s like; I am no longer alone in my struggles.

It is strange, yet amazing, that we as a group, do not meet face-to-face, but are able to connect with each other through WLGW live webinars and through typed comments during webinars; in our WLGW member Facebook page, and thru comments in our program courses. Through a ministry placed on the heart of Cathy and Preston, and through modern-day technology, we have the privilege of connecting with other women from all parts of the globe. Our love for the Lord, His Word, and prayer unites us, and we are able to spur one another on in our walk with Him and encourage one another in our health journey.

What was your highest weight? Current weight? And when are you projected to achieve your goal weight?

My natural weight always comes back to around 130 pounds, and at my highest has been approximately 175 pounds. My issue has been a continuous cycle where I go on an upward climb gaining weight, then I go full force with an exercise program and food restriction, lose weight again, feel pleased but exhausted, and then before you know it I’ve gained it all back! This pattern of repeating the same thing over and over again went on for years!

My current weight is around 150 pounds, but since joining WLGW I have stopped the extreme behavior and the myriad of different diets and weight loss plans that I had previously tried and failed. I am now much more aware of what I think and do, I have implemented new strategies to live a healthier lifestyle and have a healthier mindset, and I am definitely making significant progress in all areas of my life.

I am aiming to weigh 130 pounds again, but do understand that muscle weighs more than fat, and so if I am consistently working out and strengthening muscle, that number might be a little different. My aim is to reach my weight goal by April 2019, but my greater goal is to have the fitness and the strength and energy to do the things the Lord has for me to do.

What was your favorite course?

My favorite course was Breakthrough since it brought a great change in my heart and mind. It gave me a biblical perspective for a healthy lifestyle, helped me in defining my goals, and equipped me with practical tools and principles applicable not only for weight release but in all areas of life. It challenged me to take greater responsibility for the thoughts, behaviors, and choices I make. At the same time, I learned to let go and give control to God.

The greatest change WLGW has brought in me is in my relationship with Christ. The program brought me to a place of seeing more clearly who God created me to be. He has given me specific attributes and my identity is in Him. I no longer have to be ashamed. I have gone from a place of self-hatred to believing that God really does love me and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

After years of striving, I have come to understand that there is nothing I can do to earn God’s grace; it is freely given and I’ve been able to receive that and have greater peace. The Lord also brought to the surface pain that had been buried for many years as the result of a specific trauma early in my adult life; I was affected in ways I did not even recognize.

The Breakthrough course, in particular, enabled me to face fears and hurts, admit my loneliness, and acknowledge my habitual {negative} thinking patterns and the lies that I had believed. The Lord showed me where my life was out of balance and where I had not been living according to my values. He showed me that who He had really made me to be, had been quenched by all this junk! I could also now see that my food addiction had been the result of going to food for comfort, to dull the pain, to give me company when lonely, and to make me feel happy. I am much freer than I’ve been in so many years, and I am learning to take each step with the Lord and walk more closely with Him. I am in such a different place than I was 21 months ago!

What is your theme scripture that ministers to you on this journey?

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I (Jesus) have come that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

My two greatest ongoing challenges are fatigue and negative thinking patterns, and they often go hand in hand. In 1 Peter 5:8-9, it says, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.”

The enemy aims for my weak areas and it is as if he tries to tackle me to the ground where he knows I will be discouraged, depressed, give up, begin to doubt, be unable to minister to others, and not live the life God meant for me to live. His aim is to steal, kill and destroy, but how powerful are the words of Jesus, “I have come that they may have LIFE.” What a great contrast!

JESUS HAS SET ME FREE! He gives LIFE! He gives abundantly! He is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.

What advice/tips/suggestions could you offer to your fellow sisters on this journey?

     1.  Spend time with the Lord each day reading His Word, in prayer and worship.

     2.  Talk to the Lord about everything!

     3.  Write out on index cards scriptures and attributes of God. Put them up where you can see them or take them with you so that you have them on hand. Read them to remind you of God’s goodness, to help you to focus on Him and His truth, and to be encouraged.

     4.  Ask God to help you become aware of your thoughts and behavior patterns. As you notice them, come to Him, give everything up to Him, seek Him through His Word, and instead of focusing on the lies, replace them with His truth. Keep practicing! It will take time, but through God’s Word and His truths He will transform and renew your mind.

     5.  Be realistic and don’t make enormous goals that are impossible to achieve. Take one day at a time.

     6.  When you mess up, run straight to God, be reminded of who He is, and that your identity is in Him. Let Him deal with the sins and failures and get up and move forward step by step with Him. Stop striving to fix you and let Him do it!

     7.  Keep your energy up by drinking plenty of water, getting rest and sleep, exercising and eating nutritious foods. In my experience, it lessens emotional or erratic eating.

     8.  Be well-planned and prepared. Plan out your day, thinking ahead about what meals you’ll make and have healthy snacks on-hand for the unexpected moments. Plan when to exercise etc., but understand that things don’t always happen according to our plan.  And when they don’t, grab Jesus’ hand, trust Him, and ‘roll with it!!’

To learn more about the Weight Loss, God’s Way Programs, or to sign up to become a member, visit Try it free for the first 10 days.



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  1. RuthAnn S says:

    Felicity, thank you for sharing your inspiring and encouraging story with us. I agree, it is ice 2HsXVo know we are not on this journey alone.

  2. So inspired by this amazing lady!

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