The LORD has made the heavens His throne; from there He rules over everything (Psalm 103:19, NLT).
If you voted in the American elections last night, you either woke up very shocked or relieved.
I live in Ontario, Canada and my emotions have been on a roller-coaster over the past year. Tensions have run high, insults have been hurled and lies have been told. But guess what? At the end of the day, God is still in control. God still reigns regardless of who is in power.
We must remind ourselves of that every day–God is in control. Regardless of what it may or may not look like, our role is to submit to Him in all we do.
This same principle holds true for our health. Our assignment is to make the best choice based on how we believe His spirit is leading us and then turn the outcome over to Him. Trust Him and stop fretting and worrying about whether things will or won’t work.
At the end of the day, God is in control. If you can remember that, it will keep you from emotional eating; from throwing your hands up in the air saying “what’s the use”; and it will keep you from undue anxiety over what the future may hold.
So instead of reaching for your food of choice or reverting back to your non-productive place of comfort, repeat after me, GOD IS IN CONTROL !!!
And if you voted for Trump, and are celebrating today. Remember your boundaries! Celebrations often derail us as much, or even worse than, stuffing our negative feelings.
So whether you’re feeling high or feeling low, turn your feelings over to God and allow Him to direct your thoughts, feelings and your actions.
Have a blessed day in the Lord and we keep our eyes fixed on Him.