The Power of Our Subconscious Brain for Weight Loss
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The Power of Our Subconscious Brain for Weight Loss

Survival Instinct Why is it that one day we can feel so convicted and confident in our abilities, and the next day we feel like we’re right back to where we started? One day we declare, “My plan is working. I feel so good, and I have so much energy, I’m going to eat like…

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Feel Your Feelings, Feed Your Hunger

Emotional Eating, A Subconscious Response Emotional eating is when we eat in response to our feelings regardless of whether we’re hungry or not. We can also use food as a tool or coping mechanism to either numb pain or to feel better. It’s the automatic and subconscious responses that make our emotions so powerful and…

Recognize and Release Your Resistance

Recognize and Release Your Resistance

Recognize and Release Your Resistance What’s stopping you from moving from where you are right now to healthy? Are you busy, tired, feeling stuck, stressed, overwhelmed, overweight, lacking energy, or possibly dealing with one or more health issues? Not wanting to stay there, maybe 1 or 100 times you’ve made a decision to change your…

5 Realistic Ways to Stop Sugar Cravings

5 Realistic Ways to Stop Sugar Cravings

Do you struggle with consuming too much sugar? It’s a problem that a lot of us face. The other day I was talking to someone about sugar cravings and she shared that she will have something savory right after having something sweet and this will help her to stop wanting more sugar after enjoying that…

It’s Not A Knowledge Problem. You Know What to Do!

It’s Not A Knowledge Problem. You Know What to Do!

It’s Not a Knowledge Problem Recently when I was coaching a client on the phone, she asked me the age-old question, “What’s the best diet that I should be following?” I don’t have a problem answering this question, but I do realize that knowing the best diet is not usually helpful. It’s not a knowledge…

Healthy self-image

Healthy Self-Image or Vanity? What’s the Difference?

The struggle to develop a healthy self-image and build up our self-esteem is as real for Christian women as it is for most other women. The additional challenge is that our faith can serve to complicate the issue even more. That’s because many of us were taught that focusing on our bodies was vanity, so…

Happy FriYay

You Shall Have What You Say. I Say, “It’s FriYay!”

Happy Friday, Sisters! I trust your week was blessed! It’s FriYAY! 😀🤣 I say “FriYAY,” not because I’m glad it’s the weekend, but because I’m committed to making every day a “YAYday.” That’s especially important during these uncertain times. I believe you shall have what you say. Because of that, I’m committed to rejoicing in the…