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How Much Should I Weigh? 5 Ways to Determine Your Healthy Weight

“How much should I weigh?” This is one of the most popular responses I get from clients when I ask them ‘what is your ideal weight?’ Whether you want to know ‘just how bad it is’ or you want to know what a healthy weight range should be for you, it is important that you…

Let Go and Let God Control your Health

This week in our Haven program, we decided to extend our discussion of limiting beliefs for another week. We’re learning that this is probably one of the main factors that is preventing people from attaining their healthy weight. Yes, we’re overweight because we have not exercised as we wanted to. Yes, it’s because we ate…

Can Being Too Optimistic Keep You From Reaching Your Fitness Goal?

Being too optimistic can also make it very hard for us to change because we are not able to see ourselves as we really are. We actually can become a bit delusional about our success. Over the years of training clients I’ve learned that our human nature is to overestimate our accomplishments and underestimate our…

binge eating

Do you eat in private where no one else can see?

This week in both the Haven program and the ‘Weight Loss, God’s Way Challenge’ the topic of sneaking/hiding to eat came up in our discussions. These discussions took me back to all the times when I would wait for dinner company to leave before I would devour all the left-over desserts that I told the…

3 Scriptures to Use When Setting Weight Loss Goals

One of the most common mistakes I see as a personal trainer is people starting off their weight loss program setting unrealistic goals that are only going to set them up for disappointment and further confirm their belief that they can’t lose weight. In order to avoid this frustration you can spend time in prayer…

What Coffee in Spain Reminded Me About Weight Loss

Just got back from a wonderful vacation in Spain. We had an opportunity to visit the beautiful cities of Seville, Ronda, Cordoba, Madrid and Malaga. You can check out a few of our favourite vacation pics throughout this post.     Now that  we’re back home on Canadian soil, I’m  taking the time to reflect…