Getting to the root of your disappointment 

In my last post, I shared about my unhealthy romance with disappointment and how it has kept me from being who God has called me to be. This pattern has led me to subconsciously sabotage my health through binge-eating, my relationships by choosing unsuitable partners, and even my business by failing to meet deadlines. Before…

Want to be healthier in 2016? Here are 12 habits you must break.

It’s a new year and we’re all naturally filled with renewed hope and promise. Hope is a wonderful thing; our Heavenly Father has placed an eternal desire in our hearts so that we can continue to grow in His grace and love each day and each year.  However, before you start off another year vowing…

Tired of Making the Same Weight Loss Mistakes? Learn How to Stop.

One of the members of our Haven program expressed her frustration with her inability to stop making the same mistakes over and over, year after year. If you’ve struggled with your weight then I’m sure you can identify with her frustration. Despite good intentions, prayer and motivation, the goal of permanent weight loss is still elusive…


If I’ve Submitted My Health to God, Why Don’t I Have Victory?

  If you’re a health-conscious Christian who has been praying about your weight and health, yet it feels like you’re still not gaining victory in this area of your life, then this post is for you. It is inspired by a great question that a member shared about her frustration with reaching out to God…

What do Oprah and Samson Have in Common?

In the last couple weeks, I’m hearing from so many women who are anxious and reluctant about participating in the upcoming 21-Day Challenge. Their fears stem from their past experiences with other weight loss programs. They start strong, they begin to see results, and then for one reason or another they sabotage themselves. As I…