Your Weight Gain is Not Totally Your Fault!

Your Weight Gain is Not Totally Your Fault!

Losing weight requires a combination of mental, spiritual, emotional, and chemical (nutrition) balancing Have you ever heard this statement before, “Losing weight is easy–just eat less and move more”? This statement might be true in a perfect world, but throw in metabolism issues, detoxification issues, emotional issues, suppressed immune systems, sleep issues, high stress levels,…

The Secret to Contentment (and Permanent Weight Loss)

The Secret to Contentment (and Permanent Weight Loss)

  Here’s a bold statement … “If you want to live a happy life, let go of all expectations!” This does not mean wake up and do nothing everyday. It means, let go of what you think your life and every experience in your life should look like. Learn to be content with wherever you…

“Reflections of God’s Love” Launches on March 1st — Pre-order your copy

“Reflections of God’s Love” Launches on March 1st — Pre-order your copy

I’m so excited (and nervous) about the release of my latest book, Reflections of God’s Love, on March 1st. I pray that it will become another valuable tool in your toolkit on your health and weight releasing journey. Reflections of God’s Love, is a beautiful collection of devotions, prayers, declarations, scriptures, quotes, and songs to guide…

Sweat the ‘Small Stuff’ in Weight Loss

Sweat the ‘Small Stuff’ in Weight Loss

“A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest–and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.” Proverbs 6:10 I’m looking at a book on my shelf called Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson. It’s basic premise teaches people the importance of…