Change Your Story—Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

Change Your Story—Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

It’s not uncommon that members email me prior to starting the 21-Day Challenge to tell me a bit about themselves.   Although I’m not insensitive to what they’ve gone through, I can quickly see how some women define themselves by their struggles. In our program, we call this ‘false identities’. “Hi, I’m Mary. I’m excited…

Why You Should Stop Making To-Do Lists Immediately

Why You Should Stop Making To-Do Lists Immediately

This week in our membership group, we’re talking about how to effectively accomplish our goals. It reminded me of a conversation with my pastor a few years ago where he posed this question to me, “If you can do all things through Christ, what are you doing?” Ouch!!! I think about this question often as I…

How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Christmas Season

How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Christmas Season

It’s official, the Christmas season is in full swing! Not sure how true this is, but I’ve heard that the average person gains 5-10 pounds between (American) Thanksgiving and the New Year. What’s even more discouraging is that, statistically, in most cases, that weight is never lost. Given your past, does that sound accurate to…