Biblical Truths for Weight Loss

3 Biblical Truths about Changing Your Habits

Changing Habits to Lose Weight– God’s Way We all have good habits in some areas of our lives and then some that we would love to change. This month, I’ve been focusing on changing some of my habits around my morning routine. I’ve always had some good morning habits since I’m a morning person and…

Get Back to the Basics of Weight Loss

Get Back to the Basics of Weight Loss

Basics Make the Difference The other day, I was reading about one of the greatest basketball legends and sports motivational speakers, John Wooden. One of his former players recalls the first practice with his new coach. He’s ready, excited and eager to learn all that his new coach has to teach him and his fellow…



We do it daily and sometimes so frequently that we probably do it unconsciously—multi-tasking. It has become a way of life. Multi-tasking is essentially the performance of multiple tasks at one time.  We feel great when we can metaphorically kill two birds with one stone in our multi-tasking daily existence. But there is growing evidence…