How Your Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back From Losing Weight

How Your Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back From Losing Weight

Have you ever said any of these statements to yourself regarding your weight-loss journey? “I can’t do it.” “I will just put the weight on again if I lose it.” “I can’t stick to a diet.” “I have a slow metabolism.” “I was not meant to be thin.” “Focusing on your weight can lead to…

10 Phrases and Words to Never Say If You Want to Lose Weight

10 Phrases and Words to Never Say If You Want to Lose Weight

Do you believe that your speech can impact your weight loss? I sure do. A big part of my coaching is to help women understand that their words proceed their actions. So a good place to begin to change your negative actions is by changing your speech. Continue reading to learn about the power of…

10 Foods You Crave and The Reasons Why
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10 Foods You Crave and The Reasons Why

Experts estimate that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions. “… do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:27 Experts estimate that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions. If you’ve struggled with emotional eating, you know how powerful this habit can become. No matter how much you want to stop it, it just…

Are You the Queen of Procrastination?

Are You the Queen of Procrastination?

Are you always putting off your workouts or telling yourself you’ll start tomorrow? You’re not alone. Procrastination is a serious barrier that stops us from reaching our goals. We can look to the New Testament to see the consequences of procrastination (Luke 9:59-62, Luke 14:15-24). In the parable of the Great Feast in Luke 14:…

HUSBANDS: Help or Hindrance
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HUSBANDS: Help or Hindrance

Is your husband or other family members sabotaging your health goals? Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard complaints from 4 very frustrated sisters. Let’s call them sister 1, 2, 3 (I know… I’m so creative). Sister 1 – Feels that her husband is the at the root of her issues. Sister  2  – Her…

Seeing Your Health from God’s Perspective

Seeing Your Health from God’s Perspective

It’s been a super busy week. I’m getting stressed about meeting the deadline for finishing the Breakthrough book. I also have a ton of meetings booked this week, medical appointments, and family matters that need urgent attention. Needless to say, my workouts are suffering. Whether you’re busy building your own business; you’re a stay-at-home mom;…

How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Christmas Season

How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Christmas Season

It’s official, the Christmas season is in full swing! Not sure how true this is, but I’ve heard that the average person gains 5-10 pounds between (American) Thanksgiving and the New Year. What’s even more discouraging is that, statistically, in most cases, that weight is never lost. Given your past, does that sound accurate to…