Turn Your Health Vision into Reality
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Turn Your Health Vision into Reality

Vision, or Unrestrained? When it comes to your health, are you on a clear path to turn your vision for your life into reality? Let me back that up a hot minute. Do you HAVE a vision for your health? Is your vision inspiring? Does it motivate you to keep going? The business world teaches…

Moderate or Eliminate
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Should I Moderate, or Eliminate Certain Foods?

“Everything in Moderation” I touted the principle of moderation for years to all of my clients and for the same amount of time attempted to live by this principle myself. “Everything in moderation,” I used to say, but I would always have a difficult time putting it into practice. It was only with a few…

Weight Loss Plateau? You’re Normal…
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Weight Loss Plateau? You’re Normal…

It’s the end of January.  That’s the time in the weight loss industry when most have already started abandoning their fitness goals. More specifically, January 17th is the day most people give up on their goals according to Strava data. If you have done so, you’re normal. Why are we so predictable? Why is it…

Biblical Truths for Weight Loss

3 Biblical Truths about Changing Your Habits

Changing Habits to Lose Weight– God’s Way We all have good habits in some areas of our lives and then some that we would love to change. This month, I’ve been focusing on changing some of my habits around my morning routine. I’ve always had some good morning habits since I’m a morning person and…

10 Thanksgiving Survival Tips

10 Thanksgiving Survival Tips

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 Every Saturday morning in the WLGW Program, we get…

Success Spotlight ~ Diane O.
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Success Spotlight ~ Diane O.

I have had body image issues since I was 11 years old and have been overweight since I had my first daughter 30 years ago. Once my daughters were born, I gave up dieting ‘out loud’, so as to shield them from any notion that their lovability was connected to their physical appearance. Meanwhile, my…