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Healing Through Awareness: Your Guide to Overcoming Emotional Eating

Do you know what triggers you to start eating emotionally? Today, we’ll explore the first and most vital key to overcoming emotional eating: awareness. Emotional eating can often feel like a force that takes control of your actions, but by cultivating emotional eating awareness, you can begin to reclaim power over your responses to triggers….


Faith-Filled Wellness: Your Key to a Victorious Weight Loss Journey

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to have faith in weight loss journey? It’s Cathy here from Weight Loss God’s Way, and I want to dive into the concept of faith and how it relates to your health and wellness. When I talk about faith, I’m not referring to the kind of faith…


Overcoming Self-Doubt: Path to Empowering Your Inner Voice

Have you ever felt the relentless self-talk in your head trying to discourage you from achieving your goals? In this blog post, we’re delving into the powerful story of Nehemiah and how he dealt with critics and naysayers. Drawing inspiration from Nehemiah’s determination, Cathy, from Weight Loss God’s Way, explores the art of responding to…


Empower Your Weight Loss: Cultivating a Determined Mindset

Do you have the determination to do the work it takes to achieve your weight loss goals? In this discussion, Cathy from Weight Loss God’s Way explores the power of a determined mindset. Drawing inspiration from the book of Nehemiah, she helps you discover how cultivating a “mind to work” can be the missing piece…

Top Ten Christian Weight Loss Programs 
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Top Ten Christian Weight Loss Programs 

Although the Bible does not address the topic of weight loss specifically, you will find dozens of references to food, eating, self-control, gluttony, discipline, and dietary practices. There are passages on eating clean food, buying food, cooking food, permitted food, forbidden food, and passages on specific foods such as bread, cream, stews, drinks, honey, cheese,…


Pray, Plan, Succeed: A Calm and Systematic Path to Weight Loss

Do you approach your weight loss journey with determination? When embarking on the path to a healthier you, it’s crucial to set the tone right from the start. Do you dive in frantically, searching for the perfect meal plan with a sense of urgency? Or do you take a systematic and calm approach? In this…


Determination Leads the Way: Ending the Year Strong and Healthy

As we approach the end of the year, there are about 12 weeks left to make the most of 2023. Do you remember the motivation and excitement you had back in January? Well, I want to help you recapture that spirit and finish this year strong. I’ve been studying the book of Nehemiah, and it’s…


Rising Above the Weight of Your Past: A Journey to Health and Freedom

Are you plagued by doubts about whether it’s too late to turn your health around and breaking free from the past? This month, we’ve been exploring the theme of fear, particularly the fears that can surface on your weight loss journey—fears that might be holding you back, making you wonder if you can truly break…