HUSBANDS: Help or Hindrance
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HUSBANDS: Help or Hindrance

Is your husband or other family members sabotaging your health goals? Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard complaints from 4 very frustrated sisters. Let’s call them sister 1, 2, 3 (I know… I’m so creative). Sister 1 – Feels that her husband is the at the root of her issues. Sister  2  – Her…

Your Weight Gain is Not Totally Your Fault!

Your Weight Gain is Not Totally Your Fault!

Losing weight requires a combination of mental, spiritual, emotional, and chemical (nutrition) balancing Have you ever heard this statement before, “Losing weight is easy–just eat less and move more”? This statement might be true in a perfect world, but throw in metabolism issues, detoxification issues, emotional issues, suppressed immune systems, sleep issues, high stress levels,…

Day 2 of Isagenix Competition – Pre-cleanse days

Just completed the first two cleanse days. we’re a mix of feelings. Olga called me this morning, ‘I’m down 3 pounds since yesterday’ she says. I on the other hand only lost .6. Then it occurred to me that I forgot to take my Isaflush. Its the intestinal cleanser that helps the body eliminate the…

Do You Know What Your Food Cravings Mean?

Manage your food cravings and manage your weight and health. Your body is designed to be healthy. Many of your food cravings are your body’s way of telling you what it is lacking. Manage your food cravings and manage your weight and health. Check this out: Sweets can indicate a need for CHROMIUM which can…

What is Your ‘Health Thermostat’ Set at?

Each cell in the body is designed to be healthy and to efficiently perform as it was designed to do. You can learn how to restore your body’s natural, genetically programmed ability to be healthy. Have you even noticed that some people are continually plagued with 1 health crisis after another while some seem to…