The Principle of Progressive Weight Loss – Weight Loss, God’s Way

The Principle of Progressive Weight Loss – Weight Loss, God’s Way

Is it taking too long to reach your goals? Does it feel like it’s never going to happen for you? Cathy here from Weight Loss God’s Way, and today I want to talk to you about the principle of progression in the Bible. There’s a story of, as you might know, the Israelites who marched…

Overcoming Excuse Making to Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Overcoming Excuse Making to Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Maybe you’re not even aware that you’re making excuses. It’s Cathy here. I’m with weight loss God’s Way. And today I want to talk to you about excuse -making all the reasons we give for why we are not achieving our health goals. I’m too tired. I don’t have the energy. I don’t have the…

Make Way For God’s Diving Pruning~John 15:4

Make Way For God’s Diving Pruning~John 15:4

 I had the opportunity to attend a virtual conference hosted by one of my coaches (I have 3!) One powerful statement that she reinforced was this: “What we repeat the brain stores What we don’t repeat. The brain prunes.” Listen as I share my insights on this profound statement. Ask yourself, will you allow God…