Has your Infirmity become your Identity?

Has your Infirmity become your Identity?

If you’ve been repeating any type of behaviour over a long period of time then that behaviour inevitably becomes a part of your identity.  These identities can bring many productive blessings and prosperity to your life, such as, being known as a philanthropist or a leader, but many of us also take on self-defeating identities…

3 Keys to Emotional Eating Freedom- Kimberly Taylor

I once asked my takebackyourtemple.com email readers: What is your biggest weight loss challenge? Emotional eating got twice as many votes as the number #2 vote getter. When I weighed 240 pounds, I too ate to manage negative emotions. But during my 85-pound weight loss, I discovered freedom came down to three things. 1. Courage…

faith based weight loss

Are Faith Based Weight Loss Programs Better?

Is there really a need for a faith based or Christian-based program? After-all, what makes Christian weight loss any different from anyone else’s weight loss. I’ve gotta admit that I just cringed as I googled ‘Christian Weight Loss Programs’ Yikes !!!, at the top of the list was some wacko telling you that you’re fat…


Common Sense Biblical Principles to Help You Lose Weight

  Try these 5 Common Sense approaches based on biblical principles. We use the name Weight Loss, God’s Way because I truly believe that a biblical approach to weight-loss is the best route. We often feel that things need to be complicated in order for them to be effective—there’s just gotta be more to it….


A Lesson on Accountability from the ‘Biggest Loser’

Accountability partners, support systems and mentors are invaluable tools when you’re trying to lose weight. “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” ~ Proverbs 13:30 I tuned in to watch the ‘Biggest Loser’ Finale this past Tuesday night just as one of the finalists was…