Should You Moderate or Eliminate Sugar from Your Diet?

Should You Moderate or Eliminate Sugar from Your Diet?

There are two opposing thoughts when it comes to managing sugar cravings. 1.  Everything in moderation. 2.  One bite is too much. Understanding which camp you fall into is a critical first step for managing your weight and kicking your sugar habit. Everything in Moderation This is a popular principle touted by doctors, and mostly…

Accelerate Your Weight Loss by Healing Your Past

Accelerate Your Weight Loss by Healing Your Past

“… who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20 NIV Want to fast-track your results to finally achieve your healthy weight? Stop focusing on trying to lose weight! Stop obsessing about how many calories you should or should not be eating! Stop working so hard at trying to get to a certain number…

How to Make the Hard Things in Your Life Easy

How to Make the Hard Things in Your Life Easy

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew 7:13 One of the lessons in the Weight Loss, God’s Way program teaches us about setting healthy boundaries. In that lesson, we learn that even though setting boundaries can be…