Developing Patience in Your Weight Loss Journey

Developing Patience in Your Weight Loss Journey

“God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Thus the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle.” Exodus 13:18 Being patient with your weight loss journey is probably one of the most difficult skills to master! You start walking a lot; you cut out all junk food…

How Your Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back From Losing Weight

How Your Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back From Losing Weight

Have you ever said any of these statements to yourself regarding your weight-loss journey? “I can’t do it.” “I will just put the weight on again if I lose it.” “I can’t stick to a diet.” “I have a slow metabolism.” “I was not meant to be thin.” “Focusing on your weight can lead to…

The Christian Woman’s Guide to Weight Loss After 40

The Christian Woman’s Guide to Weight Loss After 40

Did you ever think you would still be trying to lose weight at 40, and definitely not at 50. “Shouldn’t I have all this figured out by now?” you think. And if weight loss in your 30 and 40’s was hard enough, throw in some erratic hormones and weight loss seems out of reach! What’s…