Want to Lose Weight? Give These Three Things to God  (Part 1)

Want to Lose Weight? Give These Three Things to God (Part 1)

When it comes to weight loss and getting healthy, there are three things that God wants from you. The sooner you can truly surrender them, the quicker you will lose weight. Since this will be a long post, I will share it in three sections. So, tune-in in the following weeks for the other three…

How to Stop Making the Same Weight Loss Mistakes Over and Over Again

How to Stop Making the Same Weight Loss Mistakes Over and Over Again

One of the members of our program expressed her frustration with her inability to stop making the same mistakes over and over, year after year. If you’ve struggled with your weight, then I’m sure you can identify with her frustration. Despite her noble attempts, good intentions, and prayers, she was stuck in a cycle of overeating…

The Secret to Getting and Staying Out of Weight Loss Overwhelm

The Secret to Getting and Staying Out of Weight Loss Overwhelm

If you struggle with your weight, there’s a high probability that you’re often in a state of overwhelm. Overwhelm comes from a feeling of ‘too much’, which, put another way, are also feelings of ‘not enough’ on your part—you don’t have enough time, talent, skills, etc. to do what you need to do. When you…

Success Spotlight ~ Diane O.
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Success Spotlight ~ Diane O.

I have had body image issues since I was 11 years old and have been overweight since I had my first daughter 30 years ago. Once my daughters were born, I gave up dieting ‘out loud’, so as to shield them from any notion that their lovability was connected to their physical appearance. Meanwhile, my…

How to Overcome the Spirit of Guilt in Your Weight Loss Journey

How to Overcome the Spirit of Guilt in Your Weight Loss Journey

There are so many different strongholds that keep us from achieving our healthy weight. The spirit of overwhelm The spirit of perfectionism The spirit of procrastination The spirit of people-pleasing And today’s topic, the spirit of guilt. First off, let’s clear the air on a word that I use often—spirit. Why do I call it…

Stop Saying You Know What to Do If You’re Not Doing It!

Stop Saying You Know What to Do If You’re Not Doing It!

I’m feeling a rant coming on today, so buckle up. Sometimes my rants are a result of something that I read or heard someone say, but today it’s a result of my own frustration with myself. My frustration is the result of gaining 4 pounds. Now before you roll your eyes and call me petty,…