Making Healthy, Holy Choices at Christmas

Making Healthy, Holy Choices at Christmas

Scripture Reflection “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19 Merry Christmas!! One way that you can continue to make it merry is with your daily decisions. I’ve heard that people make about 120 decisions each day. Throw the Christmas…

Can’t Lose Weight? Get Over Yourself

Can’t Lose Weight? Get Over Yourself

As I’m maneuvering through a difficult season of my life right now, it has me spending more time in solitude and prayer—isn’t it funny how trials cause you to turn inward? During my quiet time with the Lord the other day—after what felt to me like an intimate moment of vulnerability and transparency, pouring out…

Want to Lose Weight? Give These 3 Things to God (Part 3)

Want to Lose Weight? Give These 3 Things to God (Part 3)

This is the final part of a 3-part series on what keeps Christian women from losing weight. Are you totally frustrated with the whole process of trying to lose weight? Ever just want to give up and say, ‘who cares’? Part of the frustration we experience is because we keep going about it the wrong…

Want to Lose Weight? Give These 3 Things to God (Part 2)

Want to Lose Weight? Give These 3 Things to God (Part 2)

Last week we started a conversation recognizing that if we are ever going to gain victory over our health and weight battles, there are three things that God wants us to surrender to Him. Last week we discussed the first one—our hurts. We recognized that God does not want us to keep our hurts and…