The Weight of Sin: Weight Loss Lessons From the Apostle Paul

One of my favorite Bible characters is David; his heartfelt prayers to God are always so real and honest. But one of the profound passages in the Bible that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand-up has to be the apostle Paul’s when he shares his honest struggle with sin in Romans…

Fear Not ! Three Fears That Keep you From Losing Weight and How to Overcome Them

Did you know that the term, ’fear not’ is the most often repeated phrase in the bible? God would never command us to do something that he has not enabled us to do yet fear seems to paralyze our dreams and hopes and can even keep us from experiencing the freedom, joy and peace that…

How to Overcome the  Disappointment Cycle

One of the comments I hear used by clients most often is, “I’m so disappointed in myself!” Over the years of working with clients, disappointment is one of the most frequently experienced emotions and states that we experience on our weight loss journey. Disappointment is the feeling you experience in the pit of your stomach…

Christian weight loss-truth

The Lies that Keep you From Experiencing God’s Grace and Freedom 

What makes the Healthy by Design Program different from others is our commitment to get to the root of why you overeat; emotionally eat,  binge eat, keep yo-yo dieting or why you can’t stick to your fitness program. Yes, there are various reasons why you might be overweight but what we all have in common…