You Can Breakthrough Your Fears

Do you feel stuck? Like you’ll never be able to breakthrough the fears that keep holding you back? Yesterday, I returned from a 4-day power-packed personal and business development conference in Dallas and experienced some incredible breakthroughs. One powerful exercise I did was a board-break exercise (see the video below.) In the exercise, I had…

From the Pit to the Palace- The Messy Parts of Weight Loss

From the Pit to the Palace- The Messy Parts of Weight Loss

Are you going through something hard right now? It might be in your health or maybe in another area of your life.  Yes, it feels excruciating in the middle of the journey, but I want to encourage you today. In your life, it’s exciting to think and talk about how great it’s going to be…

Sleep Habits and Weight Loss
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Sleep Habits and Weight Loss

Sleep Habits Can Sabotage Weight Loss Did you know poor sleep habits could be wreaking havoc on your attempts at weight loss? You could be eating lean proteins and healthy veggies, exercising with cardio and strength training three days a week, and still sabotaging yourself through sleep deprivation. It doesn’t have to be to the…

Rest, Trust and Weight Loss
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Rest, Trust and Weight Loss

Rest and Weight Loss It may sound funny for a weight loss company to talk about rest, but did you know lack of rest can cause your body to not release weight? Stress will actually cause you to retain weight. Not only are we out of alignment spiritually, but physically we are self-defeating. I wrote…

Reasons or Results for Weight Loss
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Reasons or Results for Weight Loss

Reasons or Results I often hear women say, “I don’t like tracking because it takes too much time.” Or, “Planning my meals takes too much work.” My response is always the same, “If you believe it’s worth it, you’ll find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find an excuse.” As harsh as it may sound,…