Could this Mistake be Keeping you from your Fitness Goals?

We’re focusing on fitness this month. It is one of the magic elixirs to good health. The benefits of physical fitness range from lower blood pressure, weight loss, decreased stress levels, improved mental function– just to name a few. So if there are so many benefits, why don’t we do it consistently? The other day,…

Top 3 Predictors of your Weight Loss Success

Understandably, I’ve talked to a higher number of people than usual over the past few weeks-motivation and will-power runs high in January. With each conversation, I can usually predict within the first few minutes whether or not someone will be successful in reaching their goals. Unfortunately, the odds of readiness are low. There are surefire…

faith based weight loss

Are Faith Based Weight Loss Programs Better?

Is there really a need for a faith based or Christian-based program? After-all, what makes Christian weight loss any different from anyone else’s weight loss. I’ve gotta admit that I just cringed as I googled ‘Christian Weight Loss Programs’ Yikes !!!, at the top of the list was some wacko telling you that you’re fat…


Common Sense Biblical Principles to Help You Lose Weight

  Try these 5 Common Sense approaches based on biblical principles. We use the name Weight Loss, God’s Way because I truly believe that a biblical approach to weight-loss is the best route. We often feel that things need to be complicated in order for them to be effective—there’s just gotta be more to it….

Do You Know What Your Food Cravings Mean?

Manage your food cravings and manage your weight and health. Your body is designed to be healthy. Many of your food cravings are your body’s way of telling you what it is lacking. Manage your food cravings and manage your weight and health. Check this out: Sweets can indicate a need for CHROMIUM which can…


What Do Oprah and Samson Have in Common?

If powerhouses like Oprah and Samson can’t control their appetites, then what chance do we have?   Some mornings my devotions are so powerful. I love how God shows us some of our personality traits in the colorful Bible characters. The other morning I was reading about Samson in Judges 13-16. I learned that great…